Florence Nightingale

Who watches inwards, Carl Jung wakes up Vive trying to realise many of the things that always you have dreamed, and you will not have left time for sentirte badly Richard Bach a predestined person is the one that constructs a solid building, with the bricks that are to him throwing those that wants to turn around it David Brinkley Where the hardness only can destroy, the smoothness is able to carve Paulo Cohello, of the book the pilgrim Existe at least a corner of the universe that with complete certainty you can to improve, and you are you yourself. Aldous Huxley is no better measurement than a person it is, who what does when has complete freedom to choose. William Buelger the happiness is not a destination, but a way to travel. Invierte first in same you, unless you are a bad investment. . Tom Schreiter DEVISES: It invests in same you and it improves your life.

You do not leave reaches the poverty to you. Czech these manuals and progresses. Character is the internal motivation to do the correct thing, costs what costs. the important thing is not what it does the destiny to us, but what we do of him. Not what tenth, but what we thought, is what trasluce in our semblante Florence Nightingale.

We are little happy with much that we have and we lived very sad, by little that needs to us All we are become fond of. The life is so short that it does not give for more. Charles Chaplin an idiot always finds another one more idiot than it admires to him. Niels Bohr the intelligent man is not the one that has many ideas, but the one that knows to remove benefit from the few that it has. Anonymous Hay that only crosses the forest and sees firewood for the fire. Lev Nikolaievich In the way of your life, is not so important the distance at that you have arrived, but the direction that you take.


The power world-wide politician already perceived that it lives a revolutionary moment of technological rupture and diversification of the energy base, not to depend of the mood of countries with regimes politically unstable and commanded by autocratic and opportunist leaders. The trend of the wealth of mineral resources to support corruption and conflicts frequent is encouraged by corporations that act with the knowledge and collusion of national governments. Adopted measures to assure the access and the extration of mineral resources usually restrict the civil order, the rights of communities, they pilham and they poison traditional lands and they implant a tyranny. The power politician hinders the implantation and the preservation of the democracy, to the measure it use of the mineral wealth to lower taxes, to increase expenses and to perpetuate themselves in the power. When this mechanism does not function, mobilizes security forces to suppress disagreements. Economic wars, violence, explosions politics, embargoes, ethnic, religious, social or ideological conflicts, at last, any situations of local or global risks already had had and can still have the oil and its complex and organized gamma of agents as defining the main one of these disputes. The different distribution of the reserves, in conjunction with uncertainties on the future of new discoveries and of the quotation of prices of the oil in the international market, constructs a not propitious scene to the consistent and sustainable economic development of a nation: it is the tyranny of the oil.

Perhaps it seems that the blessing of the oil also brings curses, for not originating in the infinitude of skies, but yes of the finite deepenings of the terrestrial crust. This paradox is called as the negatividade of the mineral resource or the curse of the oil. A economy excessively dependent of the petroliferous exportations tends to abandon investments in the development of other economic sectors, as agriculture and manufacturing production, in a process that was known as badly dutch.

Glory Affliction

Unhappyly, in the affliction only it is that many of us we are capable of in it withhold before speaks of our God! We need to also learn ouv-Lo in other circumstances, so that It, wanting saying in them, does not have that taking in them to try as many afflictions ‘ ‘ Because ours it has led and momentnea tribulao we produce for perpetual weight of glory, above of all comparao’ ‘ II Corntios 4.17. At the moments where everything seems to be in the limit of our tolerance, in the limit of our forces, hope, patience, and even in the limit of our faith, let us remember in them the consolation that this text brings in them. The isolated affliction, for tries who it, never seems to be light. But, when compared with the glory that stops we are reserved in the future, it if it becomes has led, and, therefore, bearable. The affliction is transitory, the glory is perpetual; the affliction is desgastante, but the glory is restoring.

Far from us the room ahead of the difficulties and afflictions, we must yes – fight, believe and pursue with all force each one of our ideals; not obstante, the experience of the fragility makes in to discover them the dimension of our lack and the security and ortaleza Mr. of the Glory. still, how much it is basic to look at for front and the high one in Its direction. moments of test and affliction constitute resources of gauging of the moral values of each one, by means of which the man must acquire more valuable illuminative expressions as supports for future evolutivos investments.

Maranho Population

The process of territorial emancipation, with the creation of new cities between 1991 and 200, also contributed for population reduction in that they had yielded territory. (P. 79). The only State that still keeps an agricultural population above of the urban one is the Maranho. The vector tecno- ecological (VTE) in the regional dynamics that, predominant between 1985 and 195, configured the Amaznia an partner-ambient border.

The conservacionista conflict of interests between Projects and ' ' desenvolvimentalista' ' they configure a process of Politicalization of the nature disnaturalizing the ambient question, recognizing some citizens with the diverse projects in relation to the environment (Becker, 1995) With this the agreed action of Global, national and regional processes and contradictory politics, had modified the povoamento of the region, empresando in three great standards of use of the Land: ) the reproduction of the cycle of exploration of the wood/expansion of cattle/the deforestation; b) the sustainable experiences of improved the forest extrativismo and traditional fishing boat; C) farming capitalized. The Amaznia was during many years seen as a distant place of the remaining portion of the country, however this reality has to modify with the introduction of great projects, investments of international Banks, ONG? military s national and intentional and investments. With the time the Amaznia gained a value more than what that one that had for the population, therefore with the looks for the Amaznia growing, also grows the ambient question. Therefore the nature gains status of natural Capital and not more only of land properly said. This natural capital comes growing, therefore with the advance of the technology the research is searching new sources for the scientific development and the Amaznia represents a great laboratory with some possibilities of action. Beyond the mineral wealth of the region as bauxite and others, which are extracted of the region through companies multinationals that little or almost nothing leave for Region in which it extracts this wealth.