The Revival Of Legends Car Sound

Due to non-combustibility of manuscripts in time transformed into digital form, it is easy to find the first publication about the Phoenix Gold in the pages of any magazine. In one of them made an explanation for the name of the company. With respect to both Gold, and Phoenix. With the "Gold" are relatively simple: the initial profile – production of cables and accessories, and that Phoenix Gold first began producing gold terminals, lugs and the like. In 1985, it was unheard of innovation, auto tuning with the help of car audio, even in his own country was in its infancy, but now instead of plastic nipples yuvelirka portrayed in the range of … Much more complicated and even somehow confusing to Phoenix. According to the dictionary, as you know, it's name the mythical bird.

Myth assumed one, but over the millennia they have a lot more. Let's start with the most primitive. The letter "o" in the word Phoenix in any way and never read it – legacy of Greek origin of birds. Americans say "Phoenix", that is their business, we are accustomed to, "Phoenix", a bird, then a … When Americans say "Phoenix", at least nine times out of ten they have in mind is not self-healing bird, and a district center in the state Arizona, where, indeed, a considerable part of the industry based car audio. This myth was debunked back then, in 1999. Born in Oregon, Phoenix Gold spent the greater part of life, only recently moving to more warmer climes, Florida.

Personnel Change At Easycash

Peter De Caluwe is new Chief of easycash, Peter Meussen strengthens the management of Ratingen, July 2013. With Peter De Caluwe and Peter Meussen receives the easycash GmbH, a company of the Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 ING), two new Managing Director. The payments expert Peter De Caluwe succeeds Marc Birkner, who is leaving the company at his own request. With Peter Meussen, the electronic money institution has appointed a further industry experts in conducting business. Currently when staff change is in line with the regulations of the supervisory authorities responsible for the easycash GmbH. Peter De Caluwe collected group extensive experience in the payments industry, most recently as Managing Director of the service provider Ogone, a company of the Ingenico. In his new position, he also leads the transaction multichannel services in the SEPA area. Thus he is responsible for the consolidation of the payment processing at the POS and e-commerce.

Also the Native North Rhine Westphalian Peter Meussen has years Experience in the financial industry. In his previous role as Director Business Administration he is for the personnel policy, the site services, as well as the area legally at the four locations of DI Deutsche Ingenico holding GmbH; He was also a member of the Executive Board. The former Managing Director of easycash Marc Birkner leaves on his own request of the payment service provider and will be new professional challenges. In the past few years, he made a significant contribution to the integration of easycash GmbH in the international Ingenico group. Further information: easycash GmbH marketing/communications Nicole Ohagen Tel. + 49-2102/973-314 fax + 49-2102/973-226 E-Mail: grintsch communications GmbH & co.

KG Arne Trapp Tel. 70 63-54 fax 70 63-50 E-Mail: Internet on easycash easycash is part of the international Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 ING), a leading provider of payment solutions. With five the easycash GmbH enables customers to European sites all over Europe participate in electronic payments. The range of services covers the entire value chain of card payments, supplemented by numerous innovative supplementary services. As an money institution easycash has permission to provide E-money services”of the Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BFin). Total trust 95,000 dealer with 288,000 terminals on the easycash GmbH. Germany wide in 2012 makes over 2 billion payment transactions the market leader on their segment. easycash GmbH, to the DIN 20, 40885 Ratingen registered office of the company: Amtsgericht Dusseldorf, Ratingen, HRB No. 43846 Managing Director: Peter De Caluwe, Peter Meussen, David Thogmartin

Comparative Law

This definition refers to comparative law as a branch of law, but as was stated earlier comparative law is not a branch of law and is not only the study of legal institutions, it is the application of the comparative method to perform also comparative studies of legislation, case law, the enforceable law or custom. Alberto Justo For the process of discovering and examining the similarities and differences between two or more systems of law is called comparative law. This is a fairly broad definition of comparative law, but makes reference to only comparable legal systems it is not right for you can also compare part of legal systems, and when determining the similarities and differences is also important to determine the causes of such differences and similarities. For Enrique Martinez Paz comparative law is the discipline that aims, through analytical research, criticism and comparison of existing laws, to discover the fundamental principles and legal institutions to coordinate and present a positive system. To this author refers to comparative law as a discipline, however, the right not only investigates the laws, however, refers to seek to discover the fundamental principles and purpose of legal institutions and references that seeks to coordinate in Current positive system. To Edouard Lambert comparative law is not a science, but an art, or rather a technique with whose assistance, and by comparing different laws, “must be sought from the pool of legal institutions..