A Coach Can Lay An Egg Or How To Remove Many Bonuses From His

In previous chapters we talked about why most coaches are identical and because of this are malovostrebovannymi today continued the theme and talk about the mistakes in my opinion, one of the main causes of ‘sameness’ fear- lay an egg, do the wrong thing, to get training in the wrong direction, losing its status (the list of horrors goes on) Let’s visualize this uzhasyYa mistake – the Group will cease to respect me – I can not achieve rezultatovYa mistaken – all noticed it – my status dropped – can not keep gruppuYa mistaken – The coach should not be mistaken – Next will not take my information and so on …. And if we add complexity, and imagine that a group of VIPov or people over a coach? From the fear of everything inside as much freezes!)) Why are not afraid to make mistakes and how to make your mistakes brings you the bonuses instead of fear? It does not say anything revolutionary. Everyone knows this, but few does. Coach-living person, like everyone else. He can fart, sneeze or blow his nose, he did not holy and immortal Priest Great Knowledge, even if he a member of 40 associations, the author of 250 articles and behind 1240 training If a coach hiding behind the facade of the statuses, titles, past experience and afraid to show a living person, then, on the one hand, it just becomes vulnerable to errors and their consequences (member of 40 associations simply can not be wrong!), on the other – participants may not perceive him as a person If a coach makes a mistake, but it is a human being, personality, participants will forgive his mistakes, but his credibility as a person would be much greater.