The independent product placement is a matter of the main representatives, at the same time perceive a function as trainers and mentors of the representative and accompany them on their career path. Staff with appropriate leadership can move up to the position of the General representative and in addition to their sales staff responsibility for at least six Akura main representatives. The rise in the Akura career system is flanked by participating in training events, which are designed as either Webinar (online seminar), in-house Powercoaching or Face2Face-coaching. Parallel multiple incentive events provide a persistent employee satisfaction including the quarterly and travel competitions. About the Akura Akura capital management company group has since 2000 (Akura II capital management AG since 2004, Akura III and IV since 2010) in the areas of business shares investment funds, investments, securities, real estate and alternative investments. In their investment decisions, the Manager of Akura follow a strict diversification strategy group.
A part of the deposits is invested in short-term money market deposits, time deposits and securities, to secure the liquidity of the companies. The products of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management are considered basic dividend with 6.25 per cent highly profitable. For the quality of the customer service, the Akura was awarded 2009 group of companies with the quality seal of the European consumer consulting (EBCON). Sandra Schinnerling conducts the business of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG. If you have questions relating to investor Dieter Hans farmer is answer. The companies of the Akura group is Wurzburg. How to contact with Akura Capital Management AG, Dieter Hofbauer-Max-born-str.