
It is important esecundariamente to emphasize that essadoutrina operational oplanejamento of the tactical group is applicable to any crisis with hostage in the any ambienteresguardado had caution of application as tactical option as always aiming at the fulfilment of missocom the biggest number of hostages rescued with life preferential, all the arrest of the PEC. ‘ ‘ So that such fossedesenvolvida technique, was necessary the creation of a doutrinaprpria of adestramento of the dogs of the PMERJ, as well as the adaptation of the tactics deresgate and retaken, wide commendation the fourth tactical alternative, or simply, tactical assault, for introduction of this new element. In this performance, it was ratified utilizaode dogs highly trained to operate in critical events, one vezque the introduction of this tool has as objective main diminuiodo operational risk directed toward the involved ones in the crisis, in virtue of the distraction caused for the presence deces in the provoker of the critical event (PEC).

This procedimentogera advantage in the time of reaopara that the tactical teams can neutralize it; for the psychological factor of intimidaodo PEC front to the dogs and of the confidence that these self-moving ones to caninosconferem to the retaken group of rescue and; e, over all, for caractersticada not the lethality of the dogs in reference to the use of firearm, in the entrances tticas.’ ‘ (VALLE, 2009, p.13) a doctrinal characteristic to paraneutralizar the hostage borrower is the possible job whenever of two dogs deassalto that they work in set in intention to display the head and the docausador thorax of the crisis in case that, has the imminent necessity of neutralization definitivapelo tactical teams. ‘ ‘ Already the neutralization force says respeito capacity of the dogs in possibly confuses unjust aggression effected by PEC, one vezque the bite of a dog happens in the hand that empunha one sets, for example..