Ads pasted on poles not attract many people, and I think you yourself would not want to work that way, but Internet advertising works much more efficiently. 3. What should advertise my ad? Ads with company name or some products give retailers do not understand the nature of MLM, the goal in this business to help as many people can become rich, not to sell you a shampoo, powder or tablet. Pay attention to ads offering opportunities as one need pills, other powder, but want a better life all. 4. Where is the ad? Telephone, mailbox or Web site, think for yourself, whose business is more automated and takes away from his master less time.
Most likely, you too want to spend it as quickly as possible, and be able to teach only one who knows himself. More information on how to make better use of your time, read my article "Time – the main value" (Part 1, Part 2). 5. Look at the system work. After analyzing the first 4 points, you can understand how, in each case by looking for new partners.
More important to evaluate the system of work of the team to which you come. Is it you, if you have a chance and if you are ready to repeat the same actions that make your sponsors. Is there training the system, how to perform every step. Rather, this information will be at this conference or in person. Please note that if these activities are convenient because you eventually have to visit them often and invite people. Personally, I prefer the Internet business, how it works can read in my article "Building System MLM business over the Internet," perhaps you will use it for themselves. 6. What kind of product the company is promoting? Look, it is interesting whether you personally that product or service that you promote going, whether it is necessary to you personally. If not, you should look for another company, at least unethical to offer what you do not like – it will be lies and people will feel it. 7. Where does the money. You need to understand what you are paying and for that you get the reward. If it is unclear where the money come from and where they go – it is an occasion to think twice. Evaluate all the options found on this system will be simple, and choose what you will soon. Forward to your goals.