French Revolution

With the advent of the free work during the French Revolution and of the assalariamento in English Industrial revolution this picture suffered some modifications. Men, women and even though children worked on pssimas conditions of work and desumanas hours of working, in exchange for mseros wages. In book 1 of the Capital, Marx (2008, p.284) cites a case of this exploration in an English plant during the Industrial Revolution: Wilhelm Wood, a boy of 9 years, ' ' it had 7 years and 10 months of age, when trabalhar&#039 started; '. It dealt with forms (it took the shaped merchandise to the drying chamber to apanhar later, in return, the empty forms) since the beginning. It arrives, all day of the week, in the work, to the 6 hours of the morning and finishes its day for return of 9 hours of the night. ' ' Work up to 9 hours of the night, all day of the week. Thus, for example, during last the 7 the 8 semanas.' ' Fifteen working hours per day for a boy of 7 years! Moreover, in the book the 3 of the Capital Marx (2008, P. 65) a plant goes beyond when describing during the Revolution English: This economy if extends to the supercapacity of narrow, unhealthy enclosures, with workers, what in the capitalist language, wants to say to save constructions; accumulation of dangerous machinery in the same places and omission of ways of protection against the danger; lack of rules of precaution in production processes that, for its nature, are unhealthy or, as in mines, implies danger etc. Bringing this question for the Brazilian scope, after the Constitution of 1891, already it appears some working laws, and still, before the Constitution of 1934, during the Provisory Government, Russomano (2006) approaches that laws on syndical organization had been promulgated, nationalization of the work, industrial accidents, collective conventions and Justice of the Work.