German Manager

Other key attributes include a distinction between a system and its environment as well as the fact that open sub systems in principle even produce are so self-referential and made not from the outside such as social systems be. … a social system according to Luhmann is nothing more than data > information > communication. Open (nature) and closed (cultures) systems: emergence is the spontaneous formation of new properties or structures of a system as a result of the interplay of the elements or its parameters. Autopoiesis or autopoiesis to biology is the process of self creation and maintenance of a system.

Open systems with the term dissipative structure the phenomenon is self-organising, dynamic, orderly Refers to structures in nonlinear systems open system nature far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Dissipative structures are formed only in open non equilibrium systems, exchanging energy, matter, or both with their environment. To create of ordered structures, locally decreasing entropy; This reduction in entropy of the system must be balanced by a corresponding Exchange with the environment. There are real of team’s (workforce, etc.) Virtual team’s (Internet, etc.) Each in formal team acts in the areas of soft facts (80%): group spirit/idea/ideology hard facts (20%). It consists of the team leader and the team members. An economic team (companies, etc.) moves in the consensus of vision, mission, values worlds strategy, content, motivation nature and cultures, CI, CD roles, rites, methods, form, structure, areas, hierarchy/Heterarchie (participation) structures, locations, methods, processes, projects innovation, skills, USP customer expectations (clients = customers), problem solving, benefit donors, Consultant competitors regulations, rules of traditional German Manager (allrounder) we know that tend to control teams with ‘Stick and carrot’, ‘command and obedience’: control criticism correction an our guide walks ourselves-ahead mentality.

All very time and energy-intensive. Therefore, they employ so few operational Chief’s with creative innovations. Dear time copy or a new marketing ploy, it is faster ‘and afraz dating nix’.