For Cana of the Carajs new activity is dinamizando the city with positive results on the job and income, between which: Manufacture of machines and general purpose equipment; Construction of highways and railroads with raised index of job in the sector. Other activities blunt with strong expansion as the workmanships for generation and distribution of electric energy and for telecommunications (figure-3). This data are strengthened when we disaggregate the information for city and we evidence that more than 80% of them have fort predominance of its deriving product of the sector of services, whose activities costumam to be associaidas the extration projects forest mineral or inside of the state and h a great contribution of the public administration in general in the economy of the cities, this analysis satisfies the cities southeastern of the State, between which, Ourilandia, Parauapebas, Marab, Blue Water of the North and River Maria. These results can be added certain specialization of the region in farming and the reinforcement of the chain of bovines in specific sectors as cattle of cut, lacticnios, leather and also the more not predominant presence for all the region of the mineral exploration. Other cities also deserve prominence in the analysis, are the case of Benevides, Juruti and Anap, that lock up ranking of the biggest variations. First, these data one more time strengthen the complaint of the loss of centralidade of the capital and for well distinct regions. In the case of Benevides the sectors most dynamic in the generation of job and income, as well as in the concentration of establishments had been the Manufacture of nourishing products; Manufacture of malte, beers and chopes; Planted water manufacture; Cosmetic manufacture, products of would perfume and personal hygiene, among others.
The city of Juruti in the west of the State presented dynamism in the following activities: Perforations and soundings; Road load transport; Demolition and preparation of seedbeds of workmanships, among others. For the city of Anap, the activities most dynamic internally are the Activities of support to the cattle one; Forest production – native forests and wooden Unfolding.