With the fall of the dollar and great volume of rains, one strong trend of reduction of the account exists of light, being able to arrive up to 5%. The indebtedness in installments does not have to exceed 30% of the net salary to prevent financial problems of short and long stated period. In 15 of January, it will be the first release of the fine mesh of GOING of 2009. IPTU must be paid at sight with discounting for who has money, or to parcel out for who is with compromised budget, is preferable to pay more expensive 3% in the tax to pay for return of 8% in the interests of the guaranteed check. The new Simple adhesion of the National one will be until day 29 of January, being advantageous for small companies in some cases, consults an accountant and verifies the financial advantages as the unification of taxes. Today already they are 1,4 million companies whom they had opted to the system. Whenever the liter of alcohol to exceed 70% of the value of the gasoline is more advantageous to supply with gasoline, probably the price of the alcohol will tend in 2010 to remain in high motivated for the increase of the price of the sugar in the international market. Who did not change of car had a reduction of the IPVA, but the price of foods, transports, commercial gas, post offices will be more expensive in this beginning of year.
Exemption of IPI for light commercial vehicles was extending up to 30 of June of 2010. Pickup trucks, furges, pick-up and tractors, 4 axles of trucks aliquot had raised for 4% half of what he was charged before the exemption. The government studies to reduce the IPI of funerary cars and bicycles, waits in it of approval. New table of the Income tax enters in vigor from January, the exemption limit passed to R$ 1,499, 15, valid ones of first of January up to 31 of December of 2010. The banks pass to have obligation to inform which the investment most adequate. The new rules are foreseen in the Code of Regulation of the ANBIMA.