Option rights are sold with profit; Follow-up project nearing completion until end of 2008 started the Stuttgart-based energy capital invest with their U.S. Oil Fund IV and will start next year already nominally the first regular dividend by 12 percent. In April of this year, the fast-growing energy company paid relative to the sum of the drawing, the early artist bonus of up to five percent, to his investors. Participation with a term of only two years and a total capital of around 12.5 million euros had been placed within a few months. Objective of the Fund concept is to achieve attractive returns with the purchase and sale of land-based mineral rights. This was achieved when the U.S. Oil Fund IV due to the very good access routes to promising areas and associated mineral rights, to explore gas.
So for example, when the Lake Bistenau project”in the Haynesville shale, the largest natural gas region of North America, and at the same time the fourth largest in the world. Here secured energy capital invest Option rights, to participate in oil and gas extraction. Through we can sale of option rights with tax effect for the year 2009 and the then resulting gains as prospects the prospect make asked first distribution and at the same time invest in a follow-up project with very attractive appreciation opportunities”, declares Kay Rieck as Managing Director of the energy capital invest. Due to the very positive developments in the U.S. Oil Fund IV KG, the management is optimistic to achieve the maximum profit share for investors. The U.S. Oil Fund IV should be resolved as planned after a relatively short period of slightly more than 2 years to December 31, 2010.
Maximum profit including the early artist bonus accounted for 29 per cent; depending on the runtime design according to tax-free for investors until on the reservation of the progression. In addition, a final bonus of up to an additional 5% will be granted. All in all so a possible Return that currently do not reach the most fund initiators with other investments. Energy capital invest that Stuttgart-based company was founded only a year ago, he is one of mineral rights in the United States but with six set up investments in the special area the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.