
Indeed, the U.S. clinic requesting an incredible value for their services, including, apparently, not so serious intervention (such as joint replacement, which in Europe is 3-5 times cheaper, not yielding as). It is impossible not to consider another factor – the distance! Say, after heart surgery or spine hard enough to move the flight, taking into account the fact that this is so much stress to the body, and after the surgery and still dangerous. Israel. Medicine Israel is well proven, but still inferior to medicine Europe as a whole. As for the cost, it is quite low in comparison with, for example, with the prices the same in Switzerland.

But here too there are some pitfalls. The fact that the initial calculations will be low cost, which may not include a lot of little things, such as: number of days and procedures required after surgery, the cost of possible additional or previously unrecorded medical services and much more of what constitutes unexpected numbers. Made in Germany. This phrase, each of us is the concept of sustainable quality, reliability and stability. German medicine – is no exception. Medicine in Germany, combines the advantages of treatment for boundary: the highly skilled and their vast experience and active development of new and existing methods of treatment, individual work with each patient, a thorough diagnosis of the whole organism to initiation of treatment to produce the treatment program c light prisuschix body especially, individual Can be a long time to enumerate all the advantages of treatment in Germany, but can distinguish the main thing – the quality and availability. Treatment in Germany is not only safer and more comfortable, but also cheaper than in Russia. For example, coronary angiography and angioplasty in Germany is cheaper than in many clinics in Moscow.

Pricing policy for treatment in Germany is strictly controlled by the state. In addition to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in Germany attached great importance to rehabilitation. That is to say that having gone to Germany for treatment, you will never regret it. Yes, and patients from Russia here are very warm. Switzerland. Medical centers in Switzerland, especially for foreign patients, equipped with the latest technology. Magnificent resorts are also unlikely to spoil the impression of the solutions go for treatment in this country. The only thing that could disappoint – it’s cost. Switzerland maintains its rules ‘accuracy, reliability, prestige, expensive,’ including in medicine. May be especially upset by the fact that planned surgery specialist will arrive from Germany, of course already on ‘triple’ tariff. Allow me here to take advantage of the famous phrase: ‘If there is no difference, why pay more? ” So, here I tried to give representation of foreign medicine. Maybe someone will disagree with some facts and some are gleaned useful information. Much of what I wrote is based on personal experience. There is a separate issue ‘as to go abroad for treatment ‘. In my opinion – it is a separate and no small issue for those who decide to go abroad for treatment, but this was already the second time.