Mexican Economy

Where they are the opportunities of investment in the Mexican economy? April 14th, 2009 The Mexican economy follows downhill and in this panorama the search becomes difficult of investment opportunities. Nevertheless, in the present article I will try to decipher the investment opportunities that can bring the economic recovery. Without doubts, the projections on the evolution of the Mexican economy for the present year are more and more alarming. In the last publication of the consultant LatinFocus Consensus Forecast, the relief realised by the same gave to account of a waited for contraction of Producto Bruto Interno (PBI), of Mexico of 3.3% for the 2009. The crisis of the American economy that is reflected faithfully in the performance of the Mexican economy, less has a wished impact in the labor market. Unemployment has become general in the different segments and no longer only it represents a problem for the lowest segments of the population. Although the majors deprivations of rank and privileges in Mexico has been observed in the manufacturing sector and in the one of the construction, like it could not be of another way, also in the sector of professionals and of people who render independent services for companies a fort has been observed deterioration of the conditions of uses with losses of 82,800 jobs in the last five months.

According to the analysts of the Invex, for this year, Mexico could lose 320,000 formal uses. In the month of February, the rate of unemployment was located in 5.30% of Poblacin Econmicamente Activa (PEA). The unique generating sectors of uses in Mexico against this background of crisis are the one of the extractive industry, the electrical industry and the commerce. Deterioration in conditions labor, sector of consumption retail faces panorama difficult, since the families are lost their spending power and those that maintain still it, have decided on a low profile against the consumption to take shelter in case of falling in unemployment. Learn more at: Michellene Davis.