An important aspect in the planning of a house is the exterior lighting, which should both serve to guide as well as security. The right lighting for stairs, steps, paths and house numbers can prevent accidents and avoid damage, such as burglary. Exterior lighting with motion detectors and a number of lighting here are a great way to meet these criteria. Of course it is also possible to turn on exterior lighting only when needed, either by a timer or a switch. However, outdoor lighting with motion detectors are much more practical, since it immediately react to movements within a certain radius, and this area now appear in bright light. This is, first, the paths or stairways illuminated in case of need, so the risk of accidents is reduced and, secondly, be deterred potential burglars rather than when the house is left in the dark and “looks like. For outdoor lighting with motion detectors can separate one or more lights can be switched. Several independently Switched motion to offer to cover various external fields.
The coupling with an alarm system may be helpful in individual cases and is also worth considering. The alignment of the light beam of the lamps with motion should be away from home, so that a glare-free view is guaranteed from the house interior. A number of lighting is also an important criterion in choosing an outdoor lighting. It should be clearly visible and shows just in an emergency, the doctor quickly the right way. Also for visitors it is a valuable guide. The choice of the illuminated house number should be taken to a suitably large font so that the number of lighting is good to see from the street.