New York

Buenos Aires was impressed from the outset. In Argentina, Arturo Toscanini cult existed since the beginning of the twentieth century. For the first time in the world, National FM Radio, was released more than 300 programs of one hour each, with all the music legacy of the Master, with 90 percent of the official records do not live, but two or three has been almost impossible to reconstruct sonically, and dozens of hours of testing. We also provides / news / perfection is demanded of himself and his players made him a "maestro assoluto, held, admired and revered in all stages of the world, from New York to Milan. Some remember more of their rages his music. When Arturo Toscanini became angry, he did it seriously: When the Italian crushed with his foot a pocket watch.

Again, kicked the stand. And the baton became almost wrecked his hallmark. Those who knew him tend to use words like "dictator" or "power hungry" when referring to actions by Toscanini. It is said that whether Beethoven or Verdi, it was only one thing: loyalty to the work. I wanted to do justice to the score and nothing else. And categorically rejected the interpretation or differentiation. The cult figure of the director was repelled.

Critics call his position "slavery of the score." When once headed the powerful first movement of the "Eroica" by Beethoven, the son of a tailor often said: "Some say it is Napoleon, another Hitler, another Mussolini. For me it is simply Allegro con brio. " A venomous critic of the director, the philosopher Theodor W. Adorno, considered this music born of the meticulous fidelity to the work a "finished product", and Toscanini, "choirmaster" or "marker rhythm." On January 16, 1957, Arturo Toscanini died in New York with almost ninety years. Despite the harsh rivalries with some of his colleagues and some bitter criticism, probably was the most famous director of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Industrial Engineer-a administrator abogado.EGADE (ITESM), UC, University of Chile Graduate Masters in Business Administration mentioned markets, human resources, quality and productivity, education Ed.D. Professor and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC. Graduate Program Coordinator quality management and productivity, Faces, UC Consultant-Business Advisory EXATEC DEPROIMCA