Whereas great companies fell at the end of the ninety as far as their strategies of management of people, the vision that comes off 13 Annual Study of CEOs de PricewaterhouseCoopers, presented/displayed in Davos, suggests them Presidents and Delegated Advisors of the companies are giving priority in their agendas to the questions closely related to the human factor, like means for the recovery and the growth. The investigation, cradle in interviews in depth realised 1,198 executives of 52 countries, detected some weak areas, particularly affected by the recession. In this sense, the great majority of the CEOs consulted, concretely 79% of them, affirmed that they will review the way in which their organizations have managed their human capital during the change brought about by the economic crisis. The motivation of the employees was a factor indicated by 75% of the survey ones, like an area in which the investment is due to increase and that needs to be reinforced. Approximately 59% assured that it would do changes oriented to the relaxation of the schedules, whereas 55% would review his you rule of mobility as far as the trips of their personnel, the travel allowances, the international commissions, Delegated etc.
Although the immense majority of the Presidents and Advisors who were consulted esteem who the existence of a force of work with talent, well qualified professional and turns out something critical to maintain the competitiveness future of its companies, only 20% of them, thinks that its management has been effective in this sense and that it has contributed to the creation of an enabled labor force. Other published conclusions previously, showed that more of 39% of the CEOs consulted, they recognized the importance of having the people adapted in the correct position and hoped to increase their list in the 12 following months. Said this, 48% of them, it declared despite, to have reduced the number of employees during the last year. On the other hand, and like recognition of the new competitions required in emergent surroundings, more of 77% of them, it has predicted to increase to its investment in formation and development. In this sense, some questions consider about if the managers of the human capital are preparations to advise suitably to their Organizations during and after an economic recovery. For this it is necessary to turn to human management like strategic ally of the business and of breaking with his administrative operative roll/. To know the surroundings the business, the numbers that are handled first of all, the final clients to those who go the services or products, but, to know and to live the planning strategic on the Company to be able to design successful operations that generate alignment and synergy between each and every one of the people, towards the corporative strategy.