The cheaper the printer, we buy, the more costly its operation. The manufacturer sells a printer at retail level almost at cost and in-service user pays extra manufacturer with every purchase of original cartridges. The owner of office equipment experience just a desire to save money, and it is for this specific opportunity. The fact that the technology of print cartridges Printers are already quite well known and exploited by third parties. Their products are very close in quality to corporate performance and is fully compatible with the respective printers eminent device with a warranty. The owner of the printing machinery will say well, I will not skimp and buy the original manufacturer cartridges. Such a solution eliminates the removal from the safeguards and other unwanted problems, such as – problems. On the other hand, unassuming quality output to the user (eg when printing a large number of text documents) can be fully satisfied and compatible consumables. A risk of damage to printing equipment to minimize the timely maintenance.