The world that is presented today is a world full of highs and lows where one day you can enjoy all the comforts, living without any problem and without that present any kind of inconvenience, but in life nothing sure, of something unexpected happens in the manner of a moment to another and without any anticipation, which by what anyone what had in his plans, which can have a great impact on the heritage of the people, therefore, and as a mere shape pre-trial loss of money generated those unforeseen, currently there are some entities or companies that provide aid before these eventualities, such aid are insurance, service which can be of great help to those incident that may occur in the home, on vehicles, motorcycles, these being the most common, but the insurance market has expanded greatly and in the field of insurance already offered lot services a wide variety, in such a way to search for the best option on that entity allows you access to the best package of services, thus performing a brief analysis of the market of insurance, between the various entities, there are some that is kept at the top of this work, in such a way one of these companies is the safe reale, company that throughout his career in the Spanish territory has been known for its good work and successful growth in the market of insurance services. Must be borne in mind that safe reale has all the support of the Royal insurance group, which will install in Spain for the year 1988 and since then the company has had a sustained growth with very good profitability, in such a way the insurance group conformed by reale insurance and insurance union, so the fruits achieved safe Reale have always been above average of the market of insurance CupIn addition to the strength afforded by the group present in Spain for safe Reale, such entity equally belongs to Italian society mutual reale assicurazioni s.p.a., a company that is a leader in the insurance market in Europe, in addition to all the strength that provide these other companies, reale insurance also with their own work has developed great strength in the country, so much so that for the year 2002 acquired all shares of Empire life and diverse, S.A., which is added to the acquisition of a part of the career of southern victoria, anonymous Compania de seguros y reaseguros, S.A. by safe reale. The activity that has developed safe Reale is Spain has been based mainly on products called non-life, including automobiles, multirriesgos, civil liability, personal, technical ramos and transport are located, similarly confident reale has also developed its activity in life products but to a small extent, such as insurance risk, savings and inversion-ahorro. Original author and source of the article