And when we talked about the compared right applied to the right of integration tambin we must refer to the comparative study of the experiences of the future suprastates or supranations. 8. HISTORY OF INTEGRATION Is suitable our propsitos to study in this soothes the history of the right of integration, in such sense it is not a branch of the right or young jurdica discipline but has very old antecedents and consequently to study it is necessary to review the history of the world or history of the civilization or universal history and by all means the history of the Per and if we did not study these is clear that we can be induced to error by parcializados approaches of authors who do not know cabalidad this branch the pblico right that by the way has many antecedents and thus slo studying the same is clear that we can include/understand the same and adems is necessary to remember that each da is acquiring greater importance, and even does some dcadas in Arequipa organiz one maestra dedicated or oriented to the study of this important jurdica discipline, but the same no di the awaited fruits because works of the same were not published elaborated by the students of this maestra, that is to say, seems that maestra in mention not cumpli its aims as they are to promote the study or the investigation in this important discipline or jurdica branch. The right of integration has very remote antecedents for example it is clear that existi hegemnica integration in the old Roman right. Tambin existi later when the brbaros invaded to the Roman Empire and that by ciero tambin conoci like hegemnica integration because fu realised by the force and not by agreement of parts or but properly by agreement of states or countries or nations. Later the wars for example in the war of the pacfico integr part of the Peruvian and boliviado territory to Chile, that is to say, is clear that it is not a branch of the young right, but has very remote antecedents and consequently it deserves to study all the history of the same.