Its present activity consumes its hours most of to him but in the head it goes up to around the idea to him to begin a new business. Everything seems brilliant but does not count on that time to give him to form and force to its project Often we truncated ideas and to the time we realize that somebody gave form him and it has borne to many fruits and successes to him! And You .solo remain with some. must it have done! It is here where a Virtual Assistant becomes that right hand that as much is needing little by little to begin to turn its idea in fact. A Virtual Assistant he can begin to arm a data base with the parameters that you indicate to him or by type of company, geographic location, etc. She also can take care of the calls telephone that you cannot take while she is carrying out other tasks that require their attention.
Also she is the one who could be in charge of to administer a mail account where to offer fast answers with pre-designed groups or where to receive the inherent information to certain investigation, soon to process it and to arm a report to him. It wishes to begin publishing in blog? A V.A can design, install, maintain and moderate it by you. In short, in short You can have, because no, his own Executive Assistant, but in remote form. Nowadays it is impossible not to be official notice although the distance is great exist innumerable routes, and by mainly ECONOMIC: chat, mail, skype, virtual disks, to name main and the common ones to the majority. He is not something invented recently, in Europe and the USA it is current currency service use of a Virtual Assistant. It does not believe that its progress is not possible for want of time, I trusted and delegates in his Virtual Assistant those tasks that are to him until tedious besides impossible to realise by their lack of time. Karina Virtual Attending Villegas Certified Aktiva Virtual Solutions Assistance original Author and source of the article.