Politician-Educational planning: questions for elaboration of the referencial landmark in global plan of average stated period. Felisberto Vasco Gonalves (2004) Inexists an explanation on the problems of geopolitical, strategical, economic and cultural Latin America and Brazil that does not involve complexes historical knowledge. However it seems to be difficult to disagree with that the inaquality the one that these peoples are submitted rests in the unbalanced concentration of wealth, me the land distribution and in the exclusiveness of one few privileged ones in having access energy, water, investments in technology and access to the knowledge. The global situation of this beginning of century XXI seems to be resulted of the frustration that if abated on the postindustrial capitalist society, where the indefinio in the hierarchy of values, added to a concentrative economic model of income, blunts with negative pointers. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Wells Fargo on most websites. The belief in a strategical planning where a state of social welfare can be a common good seems to be each more distant time when it is considered that the main objective you of the volatile capital is the economic production. The obsession for the total quality and the accumulation of wealth at the hands of some few felizardos has safe conduct enters hordas of millions of illiterates of countries with absurd taxes of mortality and uncontrolled indices of natality. The capitalist greed force communities of peripheral nations to continusmo of subordinate economies, it precipitates what them in the vortex of the indebtedness, hindering to them the economic growth, eliminating it to them competition. It is considered despite the shady side of the global village seems to have its roots in the consumerism, the ostentation and the ambition desmedida with strong desagregadoras trends. The hunger and the social misery, the unemployment and the scaling of the violence for foul motives are indications of that the productive system hegemonically installed is agonizing.
Tag: education
Some Popular Misconceptions About Distance Education
According to the professors from leading universities, now this statement is somewhat untrue. Employers, meticulously studying your diploma, are not interested in that form of teaching with which you immersed in a world of business relationships, and institution that issued the document on education. And it is no coincidence, has long been known that the distance form the most renowned business schools, creates a more competent manager than Program Full-time in less than rating agencies. Moreover, in its favor and said the desire of major Western employers to encourage the program Distance mba, creating special scholarships for the most successful students as well as highlighting, substantial grants for its development. Of course, it seems logical question of "live communication" students and teachers.
Indeed, a distinct advantage of students who give all their time studying, is precisely opportunity to be in close contact with other students and teachers. Moreover, friendly and business relations, gained through years of training can help the former student repeatedly in the construction of a brilliant career. Here opinions diverge professors. Someone thinks that the Internet communication is sufficient for the formation of certain zavyazok, but more skeptical experts suggest in this issue focus primarily turn on the listener and the level of his communication skills. For example, some students are quite capable of working independently and the other for total immersion is needed specifically for direct communication in the classroom and outside it. However, it should be noted that many students are perfectly communicate in cyberspace, help each other understand the intricacies of taught material and other pressing issues. In addition, now through the use of the latest developments is gone the problem of isolation student that arises when using asynchronous communication scheme and are now managers to communicate online. And for the employer undeniable factors working in your favor is your ability to organize work through an electronic network. It's no secret that management processes are increasingly immersed in the information space. Another Another important advantage is that during training is not interrupted by seniority, and the issues raised in the lectures, you can immediately apply in their work, which of course allows a broader understanding of material. And the teacher will be happy to discuss your results in practice.
Teacher Violations
As demonstrated by the study of works of students, most have chosen to evaluate the first option (24 persons), 5 person – a school where the practice took place and 13 people analyzed their own teaching activities in terms of discipline problems at school. Most schools, who said students are in Moscow and Moscow region (28 works). Hyundai can provide more clarity in the matter. Researcher, defining thus the theme of work, however, asked respondents to reflect mainly the following: forms of violation of school discipline and techniques that teachers used to establish order. Analysis of studies showed a wide range of misconduct. – 1 st place for the dissemination of all forms of misconduct have taken calls students in the classroom (this form was specified in 38 papers) – 2 mesto – walking on a class during a lesson (state 7 people) – 3 rd place – skipping lessons (4 people). Mention of these irregularities were present in all three categories of works (Work, containing memories of their school years, work internships and working teachers). Also contained references to such traditional forms of violations, such as: – fights – damaging school property and equipment – destruction of school records – being late for lessons.
At the same time were given forms of violations, which are a characteristic phenomenon of our era. Among them: listen to recorded music with the help of players, exchange of sms – kami with a friend in the class during lessons. The latter type of violations is small compared with the fun shapes such as verbal abuse teacher (2 people), ignoring his questions (1 person), "throwing" different objects (scraps of paper, buttons) to the teacher (2 people), gluing it back offensive notes (1 person).
Maria Helena Duarte
She is necessary, that the addressee knows the significaes literal of wood to select one of them and to arrive the understanding of that only this is marked and leads to the meaning. Ambiguity Any common trace of meaning between diverse directions of one same word characterizes a polissemia. As You mark (1996, P. 64), in the lexical plan, the searched processes more mention the phenomena of synonymy and ambiguity to it (homonmia and polissemia). In the synonymy, fast, quick and fast the same relates to the direction, meaning ‘ ‘ that it dislocates from place for another one with much pressa’ ‘ .
While in the ambiguity, candle ties the diverse directions, meaning hemp or canvas part pra to impel the action of the wind boats, device that produces ignition in the explosion engines and cylindrical part, of substantiates greasy and combustible, with pavio in the center all the length, and that it serves to alumiar. The religiosidade the poetries of Saints show, either for the plan of its physical structure, either for what they tematizam, the repentance in being the holy ghost, to receive ‘ ‘ graas’ ‘ to cover (the foot) some states to pay a promise to the saint that was valid. Such condition of faith and courage, shows many times, as in as event when the saint continues to exert its power, under the form of ‘ ‘ instruo’ ‘ , transmitting the danger that was for happening. When the reader, mainly, and perhaps, the not religious one (atheistic), open the poetry of Saints, it if he frightens with what there and he finds. The words give sensible to look for to convince the reader to the divine substance, showing that not the veneration to the saint, will have a similar tragic end to the personages who had suffered for its harms faith. The romeiro word is the ideological center of all the poetical narration. This comes of the word pilgrimage, being a way to say: I go the Juazeiro of the Ccero priest to live the unit of the faith.
These are called romeiros, therefore the romeiro word originated from the habit of people to go Rome, the center of the faith catholic. Conclusion We try to evindenciar, in elapsing of this work, the semantic phenomena of the adopted model, showing that the direction depends on its context. Thus, we show that the words contained in the analyzed twine have in the religiosidade one strong asymmetry between name and felt. With this, we perceive that one exactly term can have polissmicos and homoncos directions. The carried through analysis made possible for also knows the implicit one of Ducrot, that this is something intermediate between speech and not to speak, that it constitutes a form of contained significao in implicit way in the statement in opposition what is rank. I wait that the reader and the reader can have understood a little on the directions of the words. Ducrot and Ullmann had been valuable for our research, contributing to widen our knowledge on the semantic mechanisms. It fits, now, to the reader to make new research on the subject, therefore the study field is not depleted. Many still are the subjects that can be boarded in a study semantic. Bibliography SAINTS, Manoel Camilo. A great example of San Francisco de Canind.
The Perspective
What to make for the overcoming of this mistake of the race human being? To follow, one I break up of the text of Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva (2004): … the affirmations on difference alone make sensible if understood in its relation with the affirmations on the identity …. The affirmations on difference also depend on a chain, in general occult, of negative declarations on (others) identities. Identity and difference are, therefore, non-separable …. It has in this I break up the estimated one of that ' ' if I am what I am obviously the other is that ' ' , that is, the different one also has its proper identity that must be respected and be valued It seems redundant, but let us take a simple example: if in we affirm Brazilians to them is for the simple fact of whom we need to identify our nationality, a time that exists other human beings that are not Brazilian. Thus, the differences are seen as wealth and not barriers: I learn with different and it with me; we are different in the questions physical, cultural, religious, etc., however we are equal in the identity human being, with all the inherent rights and duties to our condition.
The question of the preconception if of the one for the absence of reflection, the blind ignorance, the egoism It has that to rethink itself in the education as separatistas and exculpatory barrier in addition. the base of it is in the infantile education, a time that in the simple act of playing, planned evidently well pedagogically, the child constructs in its reality concepts as ethical, solidarity and peace. A group of children in the pertaining to school space imagines that has respected its right to learn playing and participates actively of the process; each child understands thus, gradual, the world to its redor, feels itself motivated to the letramento will enable that it to read the life References HISS, Tomaz Tadeu, Identity and Difference: The Perspective of Cultural Studies, Publishing company Voices, Ed. 5, 2004.
The Main
Revenues from sales will increase by about 25%. Revenues will increase by about 19%. Will continue to increase in the import and export trade. Import price rise by about 18%, and export value will increase by approximately 25%. PayNet contains valuable tech resources. A further increase in consumption in both urban and rural areas, will stimulate the growth of market demand for chemical products. It is expected that investment in basic assets in the petroleum and chemical industry will grow by about 20%. No major changes in the ratio of total demand and total supply in the petroleum and chemical industries. Production of crude oil, organic chemical raw materials and the three major types of synthetic material (PE, PVC and PP) are unable to meet market needs, and is required for this import.
The share of imported crude oil in 2008 will have about 47% total consumption. Will be imported approximately 20% of organic chemical raw materials. The share of imports needed for the three major types of synthetic materials will be more than 30%. Be over- inorganic salts, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, caustic soda, soda ash, coatings, dyes and rubber products; here have to rely on exports. The main focus in 2008 must focus on the following three aspects: (1) closely monitor economic developments and ensuring rapid and sustainable development of enterprises. Based on the situation with the supply / demand in the domestic market, we can expect that the output of major products in 2008 was 189 million tons of crude oil, 76.0 billion m3 of natural gas, 60.0 million tons for chemical fertilizers and 11.5 million tons for ethylene.
Ramon Gallegos Wife
Open mind to new knowledge consider and investigate. Gallegos said that the academic and scientific rigor, as well as his experience as epistemologist tinged, stood and enriched their insights, theories and models being produced. She says she encouraged him to continue developing his holistic thinking and warning that, generally, new visions parle faced stiff opposition from the conservative thinkers. And discusses how so naturally I was speaking in various forums about the understanding of education and the world up to make his first World Forum. And reports that these works had a more spiritual than anything aimed at improving our lives and strengthen a culture of compassion and reconciliation with the aim of overcoming human suffering.
Also in this book, Ramon Gallegos told of his wife and children, and it is good to follow this example of respect, love and gratitude for the family, because talking about learning communities, one of the communities that we formed the first instance, is precisely the family. And they must be a source of inspiration as he says that his wife has encouraged him to write about holistic education and spirituality. And the story does when encuentracara to face with the divine ground, not through books or theological speculation, but directly, without intermediaries of any kind. "The divine being revealed in all its glory as the essence of all things." "Only He exists, wherever my eyes turned, there was in his eternal perfection." "And I, a human being like everyone else, I was visited by the divine, I had this experience bienaventu expectancy." "Our true nature is divine, there is no duality between our true self and God, are essentially identical.
Best Quality Steel
In the book, Keys of success, a compilation of work of Napolean Hill created after its death, Hill comments: Carnegie began like a worker of a steel mill. Thanks to the fact that its defined primary target was to make and to deal steel of the best quality than the one of any other, it became one of the richest men of the country and was able to donate libraries to small cities by all the country. So that the primary target of Carnegie was not makes to have it greater, neither to have most beneficial, nor to gain a million dollars. Its objective era to make and to sell steel of the best quality and that dedication to excellence and service brought the wealth to him. Often, people insist so much on making money, that she forgets the true values than offers, thus devaluating her quality and image. It is but important to worry so that your foundations are created from an idea to satisfy or to bring about the communal property, that to only worry about the yield that goes to aportarte the business to which you dedicate yourself. So, like than sowings recojoes, what service or product of the best quality you want to contribute in exchange for wealth? It learns more on gaining in Internet original Author and source of the article
Metallography Microscope
In the current practice of metallurgical microscopes (eg microscopes, Mark "Alta") is used for consideration in reflecting a beam of light structures on various surfaces. At this point in metallography extremely extensive use of digital design based on using Metallography microscope, for example, metallographic microscope Alta MET 1M. Intended for visual control and taking photographs prepared surfaces are not visually viewed substances, and fitted with a special digital software to determine the size of the objects of scientific interest in the photographs (for example, Altami Studio) – such devices can significantly make it easier to directly analyze the implementation of quality metals and alloys, which had once expected the major labor and srokovyh costs. These microscopes are equipped with an object micrometer with by which changes computer content changes may save and load, which gives a chance to quickly return to the desired image resolution when changing the lens of the microscope). Of the leading functional a set of software content required to note the possibility of determining the size of individual elements on the way to transfer photos to their simple geometric shapes (segment, rectangle, ellipse, hexagon, etc.). All placements are made in the form of a list of items which have their settings in microns, in proportion to the amount of pictures.
Extremely accelerates the progress of the supervision software's ability to put the form on the "direct image" with the camera, and not exclusively on the already recorded in the memory of the PC image. By utilizing this feature may be useful to make a smaller amount of time considering the object investigation of 3 times, removing from the system analysis process to capture and load into a computer program obtained the figure, as well as the need to create a new photo shoot with unimportant result. These and numerous other advantages of using digital microscopes in metallography without doubt able to lead the process of studying the quality of various metals and alloys at the latest, more significant level, giving opportunity to achieve excellent results at sufficiently small business and time-consuming. Digital metallographic microscope is the last word in science and mechanics!
The Task
Inserted in this context the paper of the professor has basic importance for reingresso of the pupil to the groups of EJA and in the search of the construction of a new identity from the moment of its insertion in the world of the letters. 4.3. Some reflections of the reality of the EJA ' ' The new conception of young education of adult puts in check practical the current ones, a time that it asks for a true reticular organization (nets), in the interior of the formal and not formal systems, innovations, greater criticidade and flexibility. It will be necessary to face challenges, manejando with the education of adults, inside of new boardings, in the perspective of the education, throughout all the life (…). ' ' (MOURA, 2004, p.40). One perceives that while more the economic and social crisis is accented, more the EJA assumes relevance politics.
The dramaticidade of the life of the citizens stirs up to fight them it for its rights. The EJA considers in its bulge the pedagogical dialogue, going beyond a pedagogical perspective that makes possible a reflection of the oppressed ones on its proper one desumanizao and, at the same time, constructs its process of recovery of the humanity. Now if they have a new to look at on the citizens of the EJA, therefore the concern is not only with the pertaining to school trajectory, but mainly with the personal trajectories and human beings, as men, women, aboriginals, blacks and blacks, of the work and the social construction. According to ARROYO (2001, p.242): ' ' The oppressed ones are human beings forbidden to be. Therefore, the task of the education is to catch as (the oppressed ones) they try to surpass the conditions forbid that it to be; to perceive and if to oppose to the situations and the conditions where they carry through its existence where if they deform and if desumanizam' '.