And when we talked about the compared right applied to the right of integration tambin we must refer to the comparative study of the experiences of the future suprastates or supranations. 8. HISTORY OF INTEGRATION Is suitable our propsitos to study in this soothes the history of the right of integration, in such sense it is not a branch of the right or young jurdica discipline but has very old antecedents and consequently to study it is necessary to review the history of the world or history of the civilization or universal history and by all means the history of the Per and if we did not study these is clear that we can be induced to error by parcializados approaches of authors who do not know cabalidad this branch the pblico right that by the way has many antecedents and thus slo studying the same is clear that we can include/understand the same and adems is necessary to remember that each da is acquiring greater importance, and even does some dcadas in Arequipa organiz one maestra dedicated or oriented to the study of this important jurdica discipline, but the same no di the awaited fruits because works of the same were not published elaborated by the students of this maestra, that is to say, seems that maestra in mention not cumpli its aims as they are to promote the study or the investigation in this important discipline or jurdica branch. The right of integration has very remote antecedents for example it is clear that existi hegemnica integration in the old Roman right. Tambin existi later when the brbaros invaded to the Roman Empire and that by ciero tambin conoci like hegemnica integration because fu realised by the force and not by agreement of parts or but properly by agreement of states or countries or nations. Later the wars for example in the war of the pacfico integr part of the Peruvian and boliviado territory to Chile, that is to say, is clear that it is not a branch of the young right, but has very remote antecedents and consequently it deserves to study all the history of the same.
Tag: the news
Dreams To Reality
You have realized that you have left to a side some of your dreams? Perhaps you have all the disposition to fulfill them, but soon you are work plenty, taking care of your business, doing inventories, fighting with the employees, and by regulating your dreams are to a side. It is by the dreams that the people are successful in their life, the success is not luck, this is only a myth, the success are to take small steps that many are not arranged to give. It stops creating excuses of why you have not realised them, when the excuses arrive is as if you seeded your dreams and you never went to water them, How you feed your dreams? these are fed on your thoughts, your actions, of your enthusiasm, etc. Looks for the time necessary to be able to fulfill what you yearn for more and reason why you have been working. It looks for a new approach within your life, your business, returns to plantearte the objectives, it returns to review your plan of action, and includes these dreams that you have been postponing. The first step to fulfill your dreams is that you begin today, remember that the perfect moment to begin does not exist, you create you it, therefore she identifies something at this moment that you have been postponing, and that you can begin to do from today. The second step to reach your dreams is that noneven until reaching them. agree.
Postponing the things has caused that you have until now not fulfilled those dreams that you have wished, but that you are arranged to retake them, now tmalos like a challenge. Perhaps at the outset work costs to you replacing habits, changing your form of work, darte the time for consentirte, but you will see that the reward will be that you will feel well with same you, and most important that you will begin to draw up the way to arrive at your dreams. Therefore never you pause, you do not stop in the way. It begins to take action from this moment with these steps, you will begin to give greater force him to each of your dreams, begins to enjoy the way, because this passage will bring unforgettable lessons to you. Following your dream, it takes into account that you will not reach it overnight, takes small steps, because only thus you will begin to work that way that will take to you to where more you want. A dream never is small, and that better than to dream in great, you do not leave third people want quitarte or arruinarte your dreams, are only yours and in your hands it is the power to bring them to the reality, the action remembers is most important, can be that something that you wish it does not arrive at the moment at you wanted which it, but for that reason it does not mean that it is not going to arrive, the persistence is essential and the value that you must go after them, it does not have price. It would enchant to know your opinion to me, I invite to you to share this article with friendly or relatives who can be seen beneficiaries with the information. Original author and source of the article.
The Antarctic Treaty
The Antarctic Treaty that already counts on 50 years of existence, is the first document by means of which the 12 nations subscribed that it originally, resign to the operation of a valuable resource, in good of the harmony, the planning and the investigation. This element grants to the treaty transcendental dimensions, constituting in the beginning of a paradigm of relations between States that not only consider the interests national, but also the general interests of the Humanity. Thus beginning occurs, in 1959 to the joint planetary administration, that today, half century later, has affirmed and consolidated in it brings back to consciousness of development, but viable, and action to avoid the environmental degradation of the planet. From another perspective, the Antarctic Treaty shows a visionary and generous form of the resolution of the problems, before these appear and they are dyed of emocionalidad, showing so the agreed to coexistence not only is possible, but if is realised before the problems appear, will be able to be obtained optimal solutions. Unfortunately, the transcendental acts little usually are valued at the time in which they took place, nevertheless, in this case still we are in time to give the importance him than it became half century ago for the preservation of the Antarctic. If the Antarctic Treaty had not been signed, possibly ” continent helado” he would not be able to maintain the ice reserve that still presents/displays and that possibly can be the last barrier of defense before a maintained increase of the temperature in global level. It was the work, arduous and quiet of a group of men worried about the future about the Humanity, which allowed this historical act of understanding between diverse nations.
By the way that is a policy example that rescues worthiest of this one, that it reinforces the values of the dialogue and the cooperation for the resolution of the controversies between the nations and really constitutes a humanity lesson, civismo, vision and exceptional intelligence in human history. Still more, the Treaty is also legal challenge and, have nevertheless not received significant oppositions throughout the fifty years of its existence, surprising situation, been consideration that today we have certainty that under the ice of the Antarctic, exists a great reserve of minerals and petroleum, that could well have destrudo the balances of the austral continent, if it had untied to the race by the possession and operation of those resources. All the previous one causes that doubt cannot fit that the Antarctic Treaty is happy inico of a new form to think with respect to the administration of the planet and its resources. We must thank for the visionaries who made possible east total act of human value, that has abierto the doors of a form different from coexistence and taken care of of the environment on the part of members of the world-wide community.
The Spanish Association
Madrid, 18 of January of 2011. – The Spanish Association for the Acoustic Quality, Aecor, continues with its series of improvements in its service to the associate, when creating a new platform within his renewed system of forums of its page Web,. The associates can ask for professionals and offer labor opportunities within the companies associated, and so the association foments one better internal communication within the sector, especially at the moment in which the recession and unemployment maintain numbers high and is necessary the existence of more intelligent and fast channels. Linkedin pursues this goal as well. The new forum of use is within the great renovation that has undergone the system of forums, that it looks for not only to constitute itself like a practical tool search of information related to the sector, if not that allows the communication between the professionals of the sector of the acoustics. From the management and administration of Aecor the diverse forums of debate become moderate on technical and environmental aspects related to acoustics. Aecor offers an important and precise informative work on the new features of the sector, information on courses, acoustic instrumentation, acoustic contamination, normative national, regional and foreign and a work of internal advising between the associates, who become another motor within the association. Shopify is full of insight into the issues. The forum has consolidated like an added value element, when improving and increasing the services that are offered and making all the information of the association, that more accessible it will serve as reference for all those associates who want to deepen in concrete subjects of environmental acoustics or construction.
Author Investors
He is lamentable but it is the pure truth. The Broker MIGBank that it has like trader main to Fcamsa- Fxbot this in the eye of the storm, which had to that the operations conducted by Domingo Gonza’les, ordered of the handling of Fxbot, to tradear in the Forex, it is showing rewarding results not at all. Practically the capital of the investors has been reduced in a 30% and everything indicates that in weeks but it will get to complete itself. Against so large loss more than one it is transacting to revoke the contract with Fcamsa and consequently to order the halting of the operations. And the reasons are obvious. Because to many investors sweat and sleeplessness have cost them to secure money and that an assumption to trader wants successful it to finish deliberately. Because that is what demonstrates the screens of Metatrader 4.
The results are for dying of rage, by three intentional acts: 1. The operations that even reach with positive benefits with yields of 78.85.112 Euros, and that to anyone would give desire to close to him, do not do it. It closes it when this one to reduced in 1.60, 1,87, 2,10. 2. BUY Stop (it buys limited) estan facts with a quote over the preferential one, that is to say, a good one for trader would look for to buy in the last support, nevertheless Fxbot does in the last resistance. 3. The Sell Stop (limited sale) estan facts with the lowest quote it orders, that is to say it in the last resistance. thing that when it enters in line enters losing -40 or -50.
In addition according to the investors who participate in the different forums, they show that the support does not respond when explanation is requested to him on the matter. This has overwhelmed the glass with the disagreement and it has become in abierto repudio. According to tlimo communicated sent by Fcamsa, it says that it will improve the attention to the clients, but does not explain because of its failure like trader, nor it mentions a possible reversion. It would seem that it does not feel in the minimum nor one supports with the thousand and thousand desperation of investors.Any investor at the moment has going up to around his head with the ghost of the total bankruptcy. On the other hand MIGbank no nothing is pronounced on the matter, so that partly it has responsibility in the subject so that the relation between broker and trader in this case is very near. Since the loss of prestige of one affects the other naturally.Then but it makes at least a readjustment with respect to the tradeo of Fcamsa, soon will be an avalanche of protest in the pages. We hope that these two companies are vindicated demonstrating responsibility and so there are fiance’, for either of its investors and therefore for or of them.
Mexican Constitutional Right
This to often feel it is ignored by that they own means of the distribution of resources, since almost always, the needed ones represent a minority or in number or being able generally with respect to the thickness of the population, reason why little by little they get to arise centers that demand attention and demand solutions, but that from the point of view of the governors are rebels and subversive instead of being a part of the unheeded population to which the resources nor the benefits do not arrive to live in society. This deficiency of vision or perception of threat on the part of the governors is only the end of the iceberg in the great problem of the demands of the society, between the other elements that conform this is the consent or the bribe of other civil servants to the diverse upsettings that commit against the civil society when doing violence to the constitutional rights, the individual guarantees, even the inherent rights to the human being when trying to appease the reclamations of the affected population shielding itself supposing that their manifestations are a threat to the security and national order, but more serious still is the mediatic handling and alteration of the information on the part of the government to justify its actions before the public opinion and that the society generally accepts these true facts as without questioning them or without dealing with it would inform in other sources if what says the official version is truth, showing one serious historical amnesia, since there are many samples of which in others ayeres the State committed upsettings against which they demanded justice to heal his worn away inequality state where their conditions of life were not worthy of a human being. 1 Burgoa Urihuela, Ignacio, Mexican Constitutional Right, P. 553. Hyundai has much to offer in this field. Porrua.
Internet Publicity
To gain silver with website usually is one of the long term goals of those who are sent to the company to create a Web with the intention of generating businesses in Internet. It can be argued that what many look for in fact is to close sales. But this will only be feasible if we have an efficient and effective page, and to obtain that a Web fulfills both conditions, is in fact, to capitalize, that is to say, to extract it value of her. Permtanme to give some ideas that can help it to them to mint their site, without losing the quality. Adsense. At the present time, he is not bad that in a commercial site includes publicity of Google. He is very simple to form from the Panel of AdSense, the type of pages that wants to promote, as well as as advertisers to avoid (for example its competitors).
The publicity of Adsense is nonintrusive, and website can be implemented in any, beyond its architecture. In the case of the sites contruidos in WordPress one has efficient plugins that they will place the publicity where you choose, without knowing too much of programming and changing its design. Another contextual publicity. It is necessary to be kind with not bothering the reader. A clear example is Infolinks, that it allows to insert advertising connections in the text of the page. Although it is not most recommendable for an institutional site, if to like its users, can be an excellent source to make money from clicks who make their visitors in those connections.
Programs of Affiliation. Certain products or services are offered through programs of affiliates. The advantage is that you will acquire a commission by each realised sale, without investing too much (for example like which it derives from estoquear merchandise). The programs of affiliates put in their hand the product, whereas you must invest in the promotion and close the treatment with the client. That not to do: to sell links. If their intentions to position well are serious, and not to be penalized by Google, you will not wish to have great amount of connections that aim at other dominions from their own page. He remembers that before the smaller suspicion of this activity, manifestly censured by Google, could lose the Pagerank acquired with as much work. To capitalize a site is a long term process, that it requires in principle, of an investment, that is the one to have a functional, attractive Web site and with traffic, beyond the product or service that try to sell in Internet. If it has liked this post and wants to place it in its site, can do it without disadvantages, as long as it mentions like source to original Author and source of the article.
Cycling In New Zealand
New Zealand is the paradise for the lovers of the cycling as well as the waves of beaches of Hawaii would be it for the lovers of surf. Country in the world does not exist where such amount of highways and ways pass through so precious and diverse places in a space so reduced. He is simply unique. The cycling in New Zealand is, as well, an extremely safe activity since the traffic of cars is practically nonexistent, especially in some of the highways with more enchantment of the South island. At the same time, the amount and quality of lodgings that can be found in practically any part extremely accessible prices turn a tired day of adventures into bicycle in one night of rest without equal. The cycling in New Zealand is and will be still more in expansion since the government has plans to invest the highest amounts of money in preparing all the highways from the end of above of the North island to the point more under the South Island so that perfectly they are adapted stops to circulate with a bicycle, something that has never happened in no other country in the world. In New Zealand cycling for all the tastes exists, from the wide plains of Canterbury that offer straight and calm highways with the landscape of basic the Alps, happening through routes through natural parks and to for the most adventurous possibility of confronting ascents to mountain ports like the Haast Pass or Arthur” s Pass, difficult to complete without parking bici at any moment to do a photo, given the extreme beauty of its landscapes. Without a doubt, the transit in bicycle will be increasing as him world of account of their potential and is perhaps now the best moment to undertake this adventure, when still few know the magic to practice the cycling in New Zealand, when still we can have the highway for single us! The agencies not yet offer this type of trips, although in some as in KiwiViajes already we are arranged to consider very east type of clients and to offer the maximum to them that New Zealand can to them to give. Because New Zealand is not in the world the entire world is in New Zealand!.
Exercises Stature
It is an irrefutable fact that by the mornings we measured more between two and three centimeters than by the nights. For who does not create it, this is easily provable taking a tape measure and measuring our stature before laying down to us and soon to compare it and so we measured when rising to us. Voil! Two centimeters more! And this happens every day of our life from the adult age. But what mystery is hidden behind this? Where go those two centimeters during the day and from where leave during the night? Raised of this form, it would seem that something supernatural or magical exists related to our stature. Unfortunately magician is nothing who can let us grow those centimeters so yearned for.
The answer to the mystery is much more earthly and simple, although less glamorosa: crushing of vertebrae. During the day, the gravity is working on the spine squashing the vertebrae to each other and producing the reduction of those two or three centimeters in the total stature. 1.html ‘>Steven P Rosenthal says on the issue. This crushing it will depend in its intensity of diverse factors like being the own stature, the weight, the labor position, the sedentarismo, etc. a very peculiar data could arise if we had access, for example, to daily realise these measurements in which practices yoga or swimming. More likely we would find that there is no difference between the nocturnal measurement and the diurnal one. With this we can conclude in which streching exercises exist to grow? Perhaps no, but that there are practices that can help to maintain our stature the day throughout us. In fact many of those exercises that are publicitados like " exercises of streching for crecer" , they are based on the streching of the column and improves of the position.
If to this we added a good feeding and a healthful change of habits, perhaps we do not obtain the height that we want, but will be able to take advantage of to the maximum the one that gave the nature us. To grow of stature after the 18 years is impossible if you do not have a method that has been verified to work. It visits my Web site to read what there am shortage after months of investigation. Clive R Holmes is actively involved in the matter. Original author and source of the article.
Dominican Government
The Dominican Government, social mass media, journalists, representatives; not all; but the majority, has been bought by BARRICK GOLD, to shut up the irreparable damage that is bringing about this company to the environment of the Dominican Republic like a other countries. Next cuts of press on protests in some countries in which the natural resources have been acesinados by the Barrick Gold Here ours ” Minister of Environment ” The profile of Jaime David Ferndez Mirabal in its demurrage like Vice President of the republic was a profile d eun serious man, with certain sincerity when expressing itself before the population; and supported east profile with the expressions of the people who know him personal form; But this profile is fallen under lso the levels to more practices things different from which it professes. Jamime David, has yielded talvez influenced by the PE$0.00 of some sector, or by the weight of the political Pressure, or simply by ignorance or lack it brings back to consciousness like Dominican, but it does not matter under what circumstances or reasons to yielded, which if it is clear that of a Minister of Environment that authorizes leave to a cementera in the Haitises and the Barrick Gold not it can wait for protection to the nature. The obstacles put it to small projects of apartments in tourist zones, but these predators have their defenders in the high spheres IN ORDER TO FINALIZE AT THE MOMENT THEY OBSERVE THIS OTHER VIDEO To save to cotu is To save to the Country, please we unite voices, to make run the news, look for, they investigate more on the subject, and will know more burdens on it of this curse. and to you politicians of all the parties, if, politician, who you hide in the silence of the complicity, a phrase of Joaqu Balaguer: ” That on your feet thistles are born until it bleeds your vida.” and to you excrement journalists who commercialize with the truth – damn thousand times to hide the truth and to support what harms its people, damn to defend with silence what letter with the future of its own family. and to citizen you of the world: it guards by the life, it loves his planet like a same you, because the planet we are and not those that attempt against him, we take care of our future generation, we take care of he provides what us with well-being and we condemn the damn ones that they make of the other people’s misfortune the own well-being.