The Educator

In result of these facts that perpetuated for much time, we still have today fruits of this time. Professors with exceeded methodology and contents disentailed of its daily one. The occured changes in way each time faster demand a position of agreement search, of the understanding process that if must fight to transform the society and with it the world, in a constant interaction with the men, as it affirms ANDRADE, (1993, P. 96). The initiative spirit …

the creativity of a generation that lives a dynamic historical moment where the objects and the ideas ages quickly, becoming necessary the thinker, to the scholar, a great capacity of change; change that will not be made with the simple abandonment to know accumulated through generations, but with its renewal, preserving what it conserves current and moving what it aged. The challenge to search the new stimulaton to follow ahead, taking in consideration the present reality. The Educator as professional needs to give account to interpret the reality, making the analysis of the space while resulted of the human work. How much to the formation of the professional in education CALLAI, (1992, p.163) he says: He does not treat yourself to form a closed professional in the cocoon of one to know exclusive and self-sufficient, but to form, in the professional, the man of the communicative ability, that constructs its to know in it dialogues fruitful and provoking and in the service the ample and plural society, in the world of the life shared between the equal ones. The educator finds diverse referring difficulties to the reality of the classroom. To only dominate the contents does not assure a quality lesson, therefore it is necessary that it has knowledge beyond the content and commitment with the process of construction of the knowledge, but with the social aspects. The educator has paper specifies in the pedagogical relation, being mediating and partner in the knowledge.