It involves, still, the research, the study, the refining and the application of all the ideas and initiatives that can lead to the coordination, to improvement and to the development of the sales. RESULTS OF the RESEARCH For the study a exploratria and qualitative research with questions opened for 10 people was become fullfilled on the esportivo marketing. One of the boarded questions was on the remembered mark more in the esportivas activities. According to respondent, Banco Santander was the chosen one, in virtue of the Liberating Stander pantry and the sponsorship of the Ferrari team in Formula 1. The setting of the mark was considered good with a positioning remembered for the center of the lawn and behind the goal of the soccer stadium, beyond the cars of the Ferrari in the race of Formula 1.
After the extreme propaganda, noticed for searched an increase in the search for products and services of the bank. The benefit of on esportivo marketing the banking mark is positive for the interviewed ones, a time that brings a good-tempered image and demonstrates to a support the practical esportiva and cares with the health. The television was to the pointed media more as used for the mark. FINAL CONSIDERAES For the carried through study, notice that the mark remembered for respondents when announcing its mark in the esportiva area gained a public younger, tying the company with the question of the health, quality of life and well-being. The objective with practical of the esportivo marketing the age to tie the mark and to conquer new customers. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BERTOLDO, Camila Pierobom. Esportivo marketing: the sport in the enterprise strategies.