For example, bovine, ovine and Pork should be replaced by fish and chickens. Even the candied and dried fruit is recommended to push aside, if you can eat fresh. At the same time, it would seem easier to fruit juice is not preferred, as whole fruit, because for the purposes of this diet is necessary to the body were also reported, and dietary fiber contained in whole fruit, and – alas – not in the juice. Among other specific recommendations for improving sexual tone – exclusion from the diet of fatty dressings for salads, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and salt, canned food, soft drinks, as well as eggs and cheese and even roasted or salted nuts. Salt recommended to replace the spices and herbs, and artificial sweets – fruit. All refined or processed foods containing white sugar and white flour, should be excluded from the diet.
Imposed taboos and fried foods, until the fried pies. Preference should be given food, steamed, baked or boiled. This entire collection of products must be absorbed in small amounts of six to eight times a day. It is preferable than hold his three meals, but every time I overeat. Drink, it should be separate from the main meals: a half-hour before a meal and an hour later. Special emphasis is recommended that you make for breakfast: make it from the food-rich protein.
This full day will provide your body with slow-release energy, which means that he spent the entire day will be in a constant state of readiness. Well, in order to finally back up your body new portions of the energy, give up the daily dose of nicotine, if you entered it into a habit. Effort, of course, heroic, but the result is worth it. If you have firmly decided on the path to health and vitality, including sexual, your day will be based on routine described below. Morning you start with a glass of water at room temperature. Next, spend a light workout on its own program. And then 20 minutes later eat some fruit. Later Half an hour can proceed directly to the breakfast. It will be some kind of porridge (oat, buckwheat, rice, barley) with skim milk and fresh fruit. Supplement the breakfast can be any protein food: egg, cottage cheese or cheese (in moderation). If you can not do without meat makeweights to food, eat a slice of bread tselnozerennogo. About an hour later wash down the meal with tea: green, or grass. Coffee lovers can make yourself special substitute this refreshing drink decaffeinated coffee. Some time later, around noon, putting on a light snack. This may be a glass of tomato juice or yogurt, fresh fruit or hot broth. At lunch eat a fresh salad of raw vegetables, and to him are applying lean meat or fish, or poultry, or seafood. Complements the meal a little soup, fresh vegetables, a slice of bread from whole grains. Before dinner have an afternoon snack of fresh fruit and nuts or some seeds. For dinner you have a lot of salad of raw seasonal vegetables, lean meats (fish, poultry or seafood), and the garnish – a baked potato with green peas and corn, or rice or other cereal garnish. Instead of dessert – fresh fruit. After a period of time – any useful drink. Before bedtime snack of fresh fruit and skim milk. Eat in this mode, allowing some variation, but without changing the basic principles of the diet. The term of such dietary rate may also vary. Routine supply is not exhausting, so take these rhythms can be plenty of time.