It is the biggest sugar and exporting orange juice port. Managed for the CODESP, it comes demonstrating to an administration enxuta and professional. Future limited in relation its expansion. We cite seven ports of the Brazilian south region. All they present its problems and difficulties. But what it is had as real it is that all the ports of the south region, are not prepared for an increasing increase of the agronegcio and the agroindstria. That added to the undeniable growth of the industry, they will go to demonstrate that the strangulation of the port system is imminent. We go to cite an example.
The State of the Paran is bordering with states and producing countries of grains and meats of swines and birds. The automobile industry and of machines are a reality that demands operational infrastructure to export. It is the biggest exporting port of grains of the south of the country. But a fertilizer terminal exists, inaugurated with honor and pomps and never functioned. is asked. How a leader state in the production of grains, is hostage of an administration imcompetent person, a time that the fertilizers are part of the productive chain of grains, never operated? The gargalos of the exportations of the agronegcio, do not become to so only feel in the ports. The inexistence of one politics directed toward the integration of diverse the modal ones: railroad worker, hidrovirio, port, dutovirio, road and aerovirio, contribute so that the strangulation if speeds up. Without counting on pssimo been of some highways and the charged excessive toll. The State of the Paran, exactly that the government tries to increase the number of cradles, that it invests in new terminals? Pontal of the Paran, Imbicu, Flat Island of the Cotinga? until increase of the been silent one of 12,5 stops 16,0 meters, will be able to result in benefits for the paranaense and Brazilian economy.