(BLONDIN, 2011) 3 PERMITTED PROFESSORS AND the TECHNOLOGY Some cares, mainly, with use of the Internet as pedagogical tool must be observed so that it does not have change in the abilities of know-making, favoring the access to the information that can be ' ' copied and coladas' ' without any selection or daily pay-reading of the texts. This practical reveals each more common time, a time that the pages of relationship and too much technologies are generating of content and does not have as to control the autorias of all. Therefore, the new technologies used in the education demand that the professors are capable to know them, to understand them and to use them in benefit of the learning of the pupil. However, what note is a favorable reaction of many professors to these technological innovations. They prefer to usufruct of the traditional methods for not knowing to deal with these new resources. ' ' … the man is irremediably imprisoned to the technological tools in a relation dialectic between the adhesion and the critical one to novo' '.
(PAIVA, 2008. p.1). To verify effectively as if they hold the professors of superior education in what he refers to the relation with the new technologies is that a research on the subject was carried through in the Union Pan-American of Education? Unipan in Cascavel/PR. The objective was to identify the reasons of the use (or not) of the new tools of technological communication in the formation of permitted professors. The research also was considered to investigate the reasons that make the professors to use these tools and to verify if they stimulate and they teach the pupils on its use. The sample is delimited for professors of the courses of licenciatura of the Unipan, independent of its formation. The questionnaire, with 12 closed questions, was mounted using a technological resource? Google Docs? in the intention, also, to quantify the adhesion through this tool and applied during days 04 the 12 of December of 2010.