Cepalgo Employees

The Cepalgo company Flexible packings today supplies to its employees an environment of work that makes use of refectory, hall of games, library, day-care center, school, room of computer science, cinema, snack bar, kiosk of TV and durmdromo. Rick Dad, Poor Dad often says this. What she accumulated 5 prizes in quality in the work. As it was verified previously, the growth and the constant organizacional change took the company to a great technological and productive evolution, consequently, creating the necessity to develop a planning and data-collecting and/or statistical information of production. B) Philosophy of the Company. Mission ' ' To manufacture packings of high quality, intent to the new technologies and the necessities of the customers, guiding them in the best use of ours materiais.' ' . Leader vision To be national in the sector of packings and flexible films of high technology and quality, to act and to be recognized in the world-wide market. For this, we want to satisfy in way lasting and balanced the customers, the employees, the shareholders and the communities that receive our activities, as well as, to develop alliances and associations in the measure of our ambitions in all the activities that strengthen and differentiate our offer, in all the places where we must be for we serve our customers. Politics of the Quality ' ' The Cepalgo Flexible Packings Ltda.

the continuous improvement of the processes searchs the excellency in quality objectifying to provide the satisfaction with its customers and shareholders as well as improving interaction with employees and fornecedores.' ' . Objectives To produce products with quality and excellency for the development of the segment in Gois. Goals To establish an efficient production, but keeping one raised level of continuous improvement in the productive processes for optimum performance of the organization and development of the involved ones. Critical factors of Success Investment in high technology, search of the quality, availability of turn capital, ample wallet of customers, good relationship with suppliers and credibility in the national market.