CVH Material Handling

Tips on renting a truck to avoid additional Cost for rental truck, specialists CVH Material Handling recommend you pay attention to the following key points. Capacity. First of all you have to be clear, what goods will be working loader you wish to rent. It's worth noting: the mass of transported goods, lift height and dimensions of the cargo. Lift height. The higher the setting, the more expensive the rental cost for the truck with the relevant characteristics.

Depending on the height of lifting is necessary to choose an appropriate model cars. Fork length truck. Napriyamuyu depends on the size of transported goods, but in some cases, fork length Loader , dependent on the availability of goods (for example, if a machine can not get close to the cargo by reason of the latter). Sufficiently important parameter for selecting a particular model truck rental. Type engine.

Today the market offers electric and trucks. The latter, in turn, are divided by type of engine on gasoline, diesel and gas. Before you sign a lease truck, it is necessary determine its type. So, for the transportation of food cargoes often use electric. For outdoor use the most relevant are trucks, fueled by petrol, diesel or gas. Bus. Most preferred is the rental truck with pneumatic tires, as they negate the irregularities of the floor while driving the car. On the other hand, the truck with tires may not be acceptable for transporting fragile goods. Additional features. In some cases, to optimize the movement of goods and cost savings it makes sense to rent a loader, equipped with options like heated cab, klipovy capture, fork extensions, and others. Using rented equipment greatly increases the flexibility of firms, makes unusual solutions problems, relieves headaches maintenance of equipment, maintenance garage, fleet. All this will take care of our company. We are available in many regions of Russia. Our technique works in most southern and most northern parts of our great country. To date, in the lifting equipment is not a task that would not be able to decide which technique Manitou and could not decide you are with us – CVH Material Handling (495) 925-51-19.