Not only in the Federal Constitution of 1988, but also in LDB 9,394/96, the abrangncia attributed to the education is vast, going of meeting to the gamma of principles that compose the formation citizen, is these explicit enclosed in resumes or not. In its article 1, the LDB says that: The education encloses the formative processes that if develop in the familiar life, in the convivncia human being, the work, the institutions of education and research, in the social movements and organizations of the civil society and in the cultural manifestations. The text presents the pertaining to school education as determinadora of the formation citizen, in a perspective that the citizen needs knowledge and values that consider indispensable for the social conviviality. However, nor always the Education obtains to give account of this message. It is very difficult them systems and institutions to promote a formation educational where values as ethical, responsibility and commitment are a reality. To the times these inside do not pass of utopias of the process RODRIGUES (2001), having analyzed this dimension of the education, said, among others things, that: The Human being, for not receiving any determination by its very nature, can construct to its way of life having for base the freedom of the will, the autonomy to organize the existence ways and the responsibility for the direction of its action this characteristic of the human being constitutes the bedding of the formation of the ethical citizen. This must be the basic objective of the Education, which must be submitted all and any practical educative, there enclosed the pertaining to school. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to agree. As well as apud says the cited author Kant (2001), ' ' the man is the only creature whom he needs to be educada.' '. Such affirmation retraces the educational aspects not only formative of citizenship or civilism, but, mainly, of formation human being, where they must or they would have, thus, if to find the bases for any learnings.