Federal Republic

Expensive is not always the same good. In terms of location of the SHB real estate funds real estate experts leave nothing to chance: will only invest in economically stable locations. The situation is critical in real estate, then comes the situation and thirdly, it is the situation which constitutes the value of a real estate!” This is a like to use quote when it comes to the profitability of real estate or real estate funds. A truism which is true but again and again. Because in addition to other factors, such as good buildings or facilities, it is the site when it comes to the long-term profitability of real estate investments. “Just when the economic crises or in the market there are price corrections: good layers are less affected and provide adequate interest for safe preservation of capital and despite the crisis”, says Hans Gruber of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG.

The real estate professionals of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) attach great importance to the optimal location for this reason the individual commercial real estate site analysis. One good location begins with the State”, know the SHB real estate expert. The return fund 6 SHB innovative fund concepts AG was invests exclusively in plants in Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg. Gruber explains why: Bavaria is one of the regions with the strongest economic power in Germany. The Bavarian economic performance is increased in the last few years to nearly 30 percent, as strong as in any other State.” But as well as Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg is one of the strongest economic and competitive regions of Germany. In particular in the industrial high technologies as well as research and development of Baden-Wurttemberg is regarded as the most innovative region in the Federal Republic of Germany”, know the SHB real estate expert. As the engine of the Baden-Wurttemberg economy, surprisingly, the export and the high dynamics in the core sectors of the country, such as machinery and vehicle construction, electrical engineering, data processing and the metal industry.

“Gruber: Baden-Wurttemberg is the export State no. 1 in Germany.” Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg be due to the well-developed infrastructure, the high-tech skills, reliable framework conditions for enterprise and pro-business climate according to many surveys with the most attractive business locations in Germany. The positive demographics speak also for the two southernmost provinces: so Bavaria is still the Immigration No. 1 in Germany and Baden-Wurttemberg the population compared to the nationwide average rose in the past decade thanks to high immigration and births also significantly stronger. SHB innovative fund concepts AG will therefore great emphasis on meaningful market analysis before investing in a site. Only stable income to achieve so. The results give the rights. For more information,