
For Freud the important one, for the child, in the rupture with the primary narcissism, is the pisquica experience of the castration complex, where the child recognizes a incompletude that awakes the desire to recoup the perfection narcisca. When the child if compares with somebody that it admires and longs for to be, then, emerges the secondary narcissism, that corresponds to its ideal of the ego. Robert Kiyosaki gathered all the information. The ideal of the ferudiano ego is constructed by superego and the cultural norms. The ego is identified with the image of a desired and lost object. As it says (NASIO 1997, P. 55.

Quotations marks of the author), the transformation of the object investments in identificaoes contributes with an important parcel for the formation of I. I result, therefore, of? sedimentation of the abandoned object investments? ; it contains in certain way.? the history of its choices you object. In this measure, we can consider that I result of a series of? traces? of object that if it inscribes unconsciously: I assume traces of the object. (…) In the end of the accounts, the secondary narcissism if defines as the libidinal investment (sexual) of the image of I, being this image consisting of the identifications of I with the image of the object. It still corroborates with this same idea (CAVALCANTE, 2003, P. 30). That it says: the secondary narcissism, consists of ' ' withdrawal of the libido of objects and invested in the ego, this withdrawal of the libido can be for healthy intentions or patolgicos' '. However Freud saw this withdrawal, that is, the secondary narcissism of negative form, even so affirms that the withdrawal of the objetal libido is necessary for the development of the ego ideal and the construction of superego. For Cavalcante (2003), Freud describes the libido as an energy that can be dislocated from the citizen for the object, becoming libido of the object, and the citizen, becoming narcsica.