Ever heard the term Financial Shark? Financial dictionary defines it as: Type of investor speculation is dedicated to buying shares in a company with a low contribution to control and then sell major assets or their subsidiaries, thinking that the company is worth more than divided in current form. The Great Encyclopedia of Economics says, is an individual or a company that intends to acquire a target company through a hostile takeover (unsolicited). The shark usually makes a tender offer directly to shareholders of the target company.
It is likely that the above definitions do not clarify who is a shark financier, so I’ll add the following: The investor referred to as “Financial Shark” has the means under their control for operations of purchase and sale of shares of companies; define the target company and with secrecy and discretion, purchase blocks of shares in order to be taking control. By the time the Board administration of the target company reacts to the event, and the financial sharks accumulate a significant percentage of company stock and has a seat on the council. The board of directors of the target company will have to negotiate with the financial sharks, it is normal to lose some or all. The Shark Financier is aware that it can launch a takeover bid hostile actions (OPA), the sets the price for that is hostile, but with a prize for the minority that will gladly hand them over, and wait for their reaction victim. Financial Shark can be expected to launch major shareholders to purchase shares of minority to maintain control, certainly shares rise in price and may obtain a significant gain. But you can also expect him to cede majority control of the company with a lower price than you actually have your business.