
HTBasement 4 offers essential features, which improve the next level in the field of Web applications. Thus the complex requirements of the solution are still guaranteed: instant, location-independent availability without installation, the handling of the complete data flow on your own server, as well as working on any firewalls and proxy servers. The HTBasement technology is divided into HTBViewer, HTBRemoteAccess and HTBRooms products. With the HTBViewer, two or more parties can use desktop sharing with versatility. Live demonstrations of products, support, remote maintenance, collaboration and conferences can turned the user onto the surface of the partner or invite someone to your own desktop.

HTBRemoteAccess is used to create a global, highly secure and self-contained system. Areas of application are: remote control, file sharing, as well as administrative work. Desktop sharing solution represents a Web conferencing tool based on HTBRooms, in which simultaneously several interactive Web conferences with up to ten participants can be held. Due to the possibility of interactive communication with business partners, HTBasement thus transforms the computer in a Conference and meeting tool. This is the simplification of work processes and entire support. At the same time saves costs for staff and travel expenses.

Thus is created a total solution, which enables resellers to offer Web conferencing and Web services and desktop sharing at the highest technological level. \”HTBasement 4: new version with important improvements to the most important innovations of the Internet communication platform version 4 has a completely redesigned layout of all modules in conjunction with intuitive user guidance and much improved look and feel\”. Also offers the new version five times higher data throughput at the HTBServer. In addition the software distinguishes itself through a new management console, which provides a complete management system for the control and maintenance of the platform.