Intellectual Stimulation

Happiness, unlike any other human purpose, is a final order: it is never a means to another end, is the sole end in itself. Hence the need for executive-comfort-even achieve spiritual clarity and peace. This means not avoiding the ethical issues related to values: on the contrary, involves face them with strength, courage and wit (in accordance with each and every one of the other organizational aspects relevant: symbols, systems and structures, people and skills, and allocation of responsibilities and resources). A manager, a leading candidate for Coach processor and requires both a thorough understanding of what this means as well as learning to idealized influence, generate inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation to achieve, and provide individualized consideration.

Transformational leadership and action, understood in this context is understood, as the exercise of influence and guide the management of knowledge, commitment and coordination of actions to achieve the purposes stated. A distinctive point in this leadership is that through a proper management structure, allows for the participation of all school actors in different areas of school management, and particularly as teachers, they demand his particular contribution to the institution, through the exercise of his own leadership. Bass and Avolio (1994) argue trachea the more active and more effective the transformational leader will be. The construct is associated with Transformational Leadership Inspiring employees in four different ways: Influence through Ideals (II), Inspirational Motivation (IM), Intellectual Stimulation (IS) Individualized Consideration (IC). Influence through Ideal translates into actions in which the leader puts the needs of its partners to yours, sharing risks, avoiding abuse of power and personal gain, exhibiting high moral and ethical standards, encouraging their employees to identify with him.