I asked what kind of waste is and why, to which he replied that the site was selling the material marketed only two types of plastics. Lesson Learned # 1: You must ensure that the waste will have the final destination must be at separate b. Recyclable waste not come clean. It is very easy to carry residues and put them in a bag and ignore them (that are used always). However, when you leave a bag containing milk, besides, the few drops of the bag begin to decompose and if this will agregasuna bag containing meat, a few hours the smell is awful. Not to mention the appearance and proliferancion mosquitoes and bacteria. There are multi-user buildings that have recycling programs, then all you have to do is take the garbage bag or appropriate container shut.
However, I live in a townhouse and had to stay with the waste until it was garbage truck. Lesson learned # 2: Recycling not only means to separate the waste, it must also be fitted out, c. Recyclers do a work so large and complex Accustomed to put trash in a bag and ignore what happens in the beginning of my experience with recycling, waste delivered as they separated, with the problems entailed in the literal b . And one day I realized that the person who delivered the bag of recycled material in the beginning they received, reescogia and took what I needed. Then he opened the bag and left it there.