Manufacturing Enterprise Management

It contains a table with the name of the "Group members", in which lists all the fans from the directory range. " Or, for example, a group of nomenclature, "Shoes". It contains all of the shoes from the directory "Nomenclature." Therefore, the principle of construction of all demonstration examples of the base. They suggest that we should create such a group nomenclature, which will contain some similar goods: TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. That is the nomenclature of – this enlarged list similar goods. But excuse me! Similar groups can be created (and so usually do many) and directly in the directory "Nomenclature." So why in the two references describe the same product lists? Unfortunately, the examples given rise to new questions. Why does one group combined nomenclature and the fans and air conditioners? After all, they have not only the principle of operation is different, and their price may vary at times.

Why Men and Women's Shoes merged into one group of nomenclature? What are the similarities between women's and men's sandals with natural fur boots? Podillya still not a lot of fuel to the fire: the nomenclature of the group in general may be arbitrary. That is, it is possible to list all the fans, all shoes, all TVs, and all the tables and the chairs, etc. Also part of the nomenclature of the group can be completely empty. Question, and in some cases, so should you do? Surprisingly, many accountants like to use in their practice, so-called "scientific method at random." Here he does not pass. Therefore, immediately turn to the official description handbook. 'The report contains a list of nomenclature groups (types of goods, products, works and services), in the context of which it is assumed management of the integrated accounting: cost accounting primary and secondary production, as well as proceeds received from the sale of goods, products and services. " At first glance, everything is simple and clear: the nomenclature of this is one of many analytical sections. Formally, it is no different, for example, subkonto "Contractors", "Fixed Assets", etc.

But if a substantive meaning of many subkonto obvious, then, for subkonto "nomenclature of" it's not. How, then, has a substantial sense the term "nomenklatura groups"? Unfortunately, the official description of the handbook is not the answer to this question. It is true that a careful reading of manuals, comparing the different examples, we can get to the meaning of the nomenclature of the group. But it is not easy. Here's an example from the book "1C: Enterprise 8. Guidelines for management accounting. Configuration Accounting Enterprise. Revision 1.6 . On page 330 we read literally. 'Nomenclature Group (part of the same name directory "nomenclature of" used for the detailed account of the ground and auxiliary enterprises; … ' Compare! The description refers to the directory of the enlarged registered, but in this passage about the detailed accounting. Where is it? It is also true here and there. But it is blurred by different teaching materials. In full version of the article attempts to give an exhaustive explanation of the concept subkonto "nomenclature groups." The author does not purport to, and to the ultimate truth. So in the end are links for additional material on the subject. The use of subkonto "nomenclature of" considered in relation to the program "1C 8". In principle, all that was said in the article is true for programs such as "1C Uproschenku 8 "," 1C Enterprise 8 CORP "," 1C autonomous institution CORP 8 "," 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 "," 1C Integrated Automation. "