She is necessary, that the addressee knows the significaes literal of wood to select one of them and to arrive the understanding of that only this is marked and leads to the meaning. Ambiguity Any common trace of meaning between diverse directions of one same word characterizes a polissemia. As You mark (1996, P. 64), in the lexical plan, the searched processes more mention the phenomena of synonymy and ambiguity to it (homonmia and polissemia). In the synonymy, fast, quick and fast the same relates to the direction, meaning ‘ ‘ that it dislocates from place for another one with much pressa’ ‘ .
While in the ambiguity, candle ties the diverse directions, meaning hemp or canvas part pra to impel the action of the wind boats, device that produces ignition in the explosion engines and cylindrical part, of substantiates greasy and combustible, with pavio in the center all the length, and that it serves to alumiar. The religiosidade the poetries of Saints show, either for the plan of its physical structure, either for what they tematizam, the repentance in being the holy ghost, to receive ‘ ‘ graas’ ‘ to cover (the foot) some states to pay a promise to the saint that was valid. Such condition of faith and courage, shows many times, as in as event when the saint continues to exert its power, under the form of ‘ ‘ instruo’ ‘ , transmitting the danger that was for happening. When the reader, mainly, and perhaps, the not religious one (atheistic), open the poetry of Saints, it if he frightens with what there and he finds. The words give sensible to look for to convince the reader to the divine substance, showing that not the veneration to the saint, will have a similar tragic end to the personages who had suffered for its harms faith. The romeiro word is the ideological center of all the poetical narration. This comes of the word pilgrimage, being a way to say: I go the Juazeiro of the Ccero priest to live the unit of the faith.
These are called romeiros, therefore the romeiro word originated from the habit of people to go Rome, the center of the faith catholic. Conclusion We try to evindenciar, in elapsing of this work, the semantic phenomena of the adopted model, showing that the direction depends on its context. Thus, we show that the words contained in the analyzed twine have in the religiosidade one strong asymmetry between name and felt. With this, we perceive that one exactly term can have polissmicos and homoncos directions. The carried through analysis made possible for also knows the implicit one of Ducrot, that this is something intermediate between speech and not to speak, that it constitutes a form of contained significao in implicit way in the statement in opposition what is rank. I wait that the reader and the reader can have understood a little on the directions of the words. Ducrot and Ullmann had been valuable for our research, contributing to widen our knowledge on the semantic mechanisms. It fits, now, to the reader to make new research on the subject, therefore the study field is not depleted. Many still are the subjects that can be boarded in a study semantic. Bibliography SAINTS, Manoel Camilo. A great example of San Francisco de Canind.