More often not than that gifts come as a reality check for how strong your relationship is. Women can be astoundingly complicated but don’t worry. There’s a way to get around it and hit on their soft spot! You finally met the woman of your life. You’ve either been together for 2 weeks or 2 years, may it be a birthday, anniversary or Monday, everyday is a good day to compliment your significant other with a proof of the consistency of your feelings. Or bank account, ouch! There are milestones gifts as we know, engagement or wedding rings for example, but you can probably take care of that alone. You can always bring a flower now and then, something little to spice the dull moments, but what you want right now is to surprise her with something pretty and unexpected, am I right? It doesn’t take a genius to pick the right gift, you just need the right strategy. Plan your moves and take action! You already know what she likes in general, if not I’d suggest you wait at least 10 minutes before you give gifts to random girls and call them “girlfriend,” OK? Perhaps she gave you hints on what she’d need or wish, they can come as subtle as “the TV is broken” or as explicit as “I’ve Lakes a dress today in the shop…”.
You can either acknowledge them or go for the bold decision: absolute surprise factor. What I’d suggest is obviously the latter. You don’t want to buy a washing machine if all she wants is a TV set, of course. It doesn’t need to be eccentric. Keep it smart and simple. Take advantage of the situation and give her something you can both enjoy: perhaps some time together? A poison is nothing but a symbol of how strong your bond is, why don’t you play this card around and offer her a romantic trip for two? A night out at a fancy restaurant? Is she into spa and massages? You go wrong with such can’t ideas, keep it intimate to build your relationship. Take the opportunity to spend some time with her in a relaxing environment. Turn off your phone, log out of Facebook already and focus on such letter and yet happy moment, because in the end that’s what she’ll remember the most. Sui Lara is author of Christmas Gift Ideas.