He says Wheatley, who believes that the process of discovery and invention of new organizational forms that inhabit the century just begun. To be responsible for inventors and discoverers, however, it takes courage to let go of the old world, to reject almost everything that we have blessed, to abandon our interpretations about what works or not. Remember what the great physicist Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it. We must learn how to discover the world anew. Wheatley shows us not forget that each of us lives and works in organizations designed according to the Newtonian picture of the universe, ie, we handle things by dividing into parts, and we believe that influence occurs as a direct result of the force exerted by one person over another, we engage in complex planning for a world that we hope will be predictable, and seek better ways to see it objectively.
This is a reality that can not be ignored, we need to Newtonian mechanics with which we design and conduct our organizations, and are also investigated in the social sciences. However, we are told, now requires a different view, as science has changed, so, as stated Weheatley, that if we are to continue serving science to create and lead organizations, to design research, and formulate hypotheses about organizational design, planning, economics, humanities and processes of change, the least we can do is to base our work on the science of our time. Professor adds a very significant, especially for those like you, looking for new organizational vision in a rapidly changing scenario like this, as we live in a universe shaped by subjective and always reciprocal interactions. Our world as we know, can not be fixed: it changes constantly and is infinitely more interesting than we imagine, we invite you to find answers eg How create organizational coherence, where actions correspond to a purpose? How do we create structures that move with the change, flexible and adaptable, without borders to facilitate rather than block? How to simplify things without losing control and identity? How do we resolve the clash of personal needs for freedom and autonomy with organizational needs for prediction and control? Today is a new vision of the understanding of change and disorder, to enter into the chaos theory (the subject of another article), we must go into the relationship between order and chaos. Since these two forces are now understood as reciprocal images, one containing the other, a continuous process where a system can jump to the chaos and unpredictability, and yet be within that state, properly contained between orderly and predictable parameters. Not be overlooked also that the survival and growth of systems, ranging from large ecosystem to the lowest of the leaves, are made possible by the combination of basic patterns of principles that express the complete identity of the system and as high levels of autonomy for individual members thereof. Take into account and consider, he says, Professor Wheatley, understanding the organizational vision as a field, a force without a visible connection that influences the behavior of employees, more than an evocative message of a desired future.