Standardization Organization

Benefits of the application of Internal Auditorship as the norm series ISO 19011 in the small business companies in Brazil. Claude Luis of Would make Dalvo Ramires Balzon SUMMARY the proposal of this Article is on the basis of to elucidate the benefits of the application of Internal Auditorship of first in agreement part War (2002) the criteria of norm ISO 9001:2008, as Mans (1994), in small business companies in Brazil, being these of any pursuing of market. We look for to approach the main characteristics of the auditorship of first part, identifying the tacks and flexibility that allow to its adequacy ace peculiarities of the branch of the company and the personal way of management it administrator. The results had pointed with respect to competitive advantages, improve in the processes, reduction of costs by means of the reduction of retrabalhos and improve of the corrective actions in the analyses criticize of the processes. Words key: Bachelor in business-oriented Business administration with Emphasis in Management.

Professor and Researcher in Economy and Environment. 1. INTRODUCTION Currently around 157 countries integrates the ISO? International Standardization Organization, the ISO is specialized in standardization, whose members are normative entities nationwide, in Brazil is represented by the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques) that the countries of the world can be used equally by all. About 157 countries they integrate this important international organization, specialized in standardization, whose members are normative entities nationwide and Brazil is represented by the ABNT. This research has as objective to elucidate the concepts and advantages that the Auditorship of first part, as War (2002) and Mans (1994) will be able to contribute for the attainment of better resulted and bigger security in the processes of the small business companies in Brazil. The hypothesis of the research is that the Auditorship of first part in the small business companies in Brazil will be able to collaborate directly with the attainment of better resulted, practical administrative and productive through the multiplication of new techniques for the enterprise society. .