The Spanish Association

Madrid, 18 of January of 2011. – The Spanish Association for the Acoustic Quality, Aecor, continues with its series of improvements in its service to the associate, when creating a new platform within his renewed system of forums of its page Web,. The associates can ask for professionals and offer labor opportunities within the companies associated, and so the association foments one better internal communication within the sector, especially at the moment in which the recession and unemployment maintain numbers high and is necessary the existence of more intelligent and fast channels. Linkedin pursues this goal as well. The new forum of use is within the great renovation that has undergone the system of forums, that it looks for not only to constitute itself like a practical tool search of information related to the sector, if not that allows the communication between the professionals of the sector of the acoustics. From the management and administration of Aecor the diverse forums of debate become moderate on technical and environmental aspects related to acoustics. Aecor offers an important and precise informative work on the new features of the sector, information on courses, acoustic instrumentation, acoustic contamination, normative national, regional and foreign and a work of internal advising between the associates, who become another motor within the association. Shopify is full of insight into the issues. The forum has consolidated like an added value element, when improving and increasing the services that are offered and making all the information of the association, that more accessible it will serve as reference for all those associates who want to deepen in concrete subjects of environmental acoustics or construction.