Transport And Consumer Packaging

Packaging is a universal tool that not only protects the product of environmental influences and damage, but also gives consumers more information about the manufacturer and the product itself. In addition, packaging protects the environment from pollution, and sometimes negative impacts of products, provides convenient transportation, and effective implementation of the product. Given the characteristics of each product, packaging also may be subject to more specific requirements, such as chemical compatibility, and packaging of goods, according to the image of the manufacturer, etc. At the moment the market has a huge amount various kinds, types and designs of packaging. In order to learn the ropes in this variety, you need to know which category is divided into packaging and what principles underlie this division. 1. Types of Consumer By appointment package is divided into consumer packaging, transportation, manufacturing and preservative.

Consumer Packaging is an integral part of the goods and is included in the price. This package does not intended for independent transportation and has limited dimensions and weight; Transport packaging is a separate independent transport unit and is used to transport products to consumer packaging or goods without packaging manufacturing packaging is used in the production process. It is not intended for sales in retail outlets, preserving packaging required for long-term conservation of raw materials, equipment or chemicals. Consumer and transport packaging, in turn, vary in type. Consumer packaging is divided into tubes, jars, bottles, bags, etc., and transportation – in bags, boxes, barrels, cans, drums, etc.

Depending on the material from which made packaging, it is divided into metal, paper, cardboard, glass, wood, polymer and composite. There is also a classification according to the packaging industry in which it is claimed. Thus, the packaging is food, machinery, chemicals, etc. According to the degree protection package is divided into water-resistant, vapor barriers, isobaric, etc. Depending on the degree of strength of container is divided into a rigid, semirigid and soft.