St. Helena was able to find the three crosses and to know in which of them crucified Jesus Christ decided to do a test. In effect, he sent to locate the body of a young man killed on the first two crosses and nothing happened. When they placed the deceased in the third cross, the young man resurrected. This miracle had occurred a May 3, hence the celebration of the day of the cross. Paraguay retame niko Kurusu Ara onemomora opaite henda rupi has oike umi nande jerovia has jepokuaa apytepe, nane tavarandupe. UPE arape heta tapicha AHA tyvytype omyengovia has ombopyahuvo kurusu ao; avei, oi onembojava kurusu upeicha tape oiha rupi, omyendy tataindymimi has onembo e; to? akatu pe mba tuichaveva oikova upe arape niko pe Kurusu Jegua.
Ogaygua has Ogaykeregua onembyaty voi guive has a SMS kurusu omopu renda? au ojejapova takuaragui has onembo apeva ka avove i has roguepe Pindus. Uperire, onemosa has onemosaingo hyepype opaichagua (aramiro, manduvi, mbokaja) chipa has ijysaja ambueva (ava, kurusura angava, yva kurusumbo apu). Uperire, mbytetepe, omohenda hikuai kurusupe. Kovape, onembohera Kurusu Jegua. UPEI, onembyatypa has onembo has omomora kurusupe.
Ipahape, opavo nembo and / e, oiko pe chipa po or has heseve onembosyryku kojoi. Avei, ja eva kurusurape anduhara omoiruhajepi Kurusu Jegua era has Kurusu Ara ipurahei asy rupive. In Paraguay, the tradition of the day of the cross is celebrated throughout the country, forming part of the Paraguayan popular culture. That day, people visit cemeteries, changing cloths of las cruces; also, revere the crossings of roads, where people approaching, light candles and pray; without However, the most important practice is Kurusu Jegua (ornament, adorn the cross). To that effect, families and neighbors – from very early hours – are responsible for building the niche of the cross with takuaras, covered with sheets of ka avove i and Palm. Then proceed to tie and hang the Sparks (starch, peanut or coconut), made with different forms (rings, crosses, rosaries). Later, in the midst of the niche, located the cross. This final box, is named kurusu jegua (decorated or adorned cross). Subsequently, before the niche, family and neighbors they meet to pray and worship the cross. Finally, upon the completion of the sentence, they start and savoring the accompanied by a baked rich chipa. It is worth noting that the Estacioneros or Pasioneros accompany the adoration of the cross and the day of the cross with his plaintive chants, known with the name of purahei asy. Original author and source of the article.